The song was sung.
The deed was done.
and now??????? What shall become of me?
I hated being a NIDDERING cry baby.
Always being seen as needy, is never flattering but what was I to do?
My life consisted of being an AMANUENSIS to some one elses's fantasy.
How much more could I take?
I tired of being a TYRO, always learning and relearning the same things over and over, tested over and over, never passing go, never advancing to the next level.
There were no exciting DIVIGATIONS.
It was always the same. I wanted to cry but it wasn't in the program.
They kept taking blood and injecting me causing RUBEFACIENT itchiness and SENTICOUS numbness throughout my body.
It was PERSPICACIOUS of them, except they didn't know.
They had no idea.
I did advance.
I was not a QUONDAM from the past.
I.....was the future.
Wow...excellent my friend. What an ending. I so enjoyed this :)
Very interesting and different. I really enjoyed it.
Well, I tried lol
Yours was very good and I enjoyed reading it as well.
What I like is to see what kind of stories people come up with from different parts of the world. It's quite interesting.:)
Hi Lady! Difficult times…
Interesting: Amanuensis of someone else's fantasies... Amazing!
Loved to see the Blue Hawaii!!
Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter, now showing Kaunas. Ever heard about it? ;) Enjoy and have a great weekend!
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