It was a dilly of a problem
I couldn't make it go away
The cat sat watchin and a waitin
For me to fly away.
The more I fluttered and I screeched
The more he stretched toward my feet
Until he stepped upon a rake.
The rake saluted and he ran
But not fast enough, cause he got slammed
Now I 'm safe and my nest is warm
Teweet tewee a problem solved.
But the cat, kept running as you will see
He had a problem
but it wasn't me. :)

What a fun post!!! Loved it!
Wonderful. I loved this. Very creative...poor kitty :( (and I don't like cats LOL)
Very, very creative. Poor cat.
Ah he'll get away. There are lots of pots to hide behind.
You never know who is behind the Falcon.
Might be ol Ruff. lol
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