Wednesday, April 14, 2010



The look of innocence
From old eyes
That speak of spring
A tender smile
So knowing and kind
From lips that have once kissed deep
Drunk of life’s nectar and
Collected it for a winter’s day
Oh yes, La Boheme
Such as it was
An early bud
Pricked, torn
but still in bloom
Blue white and gold
Enshrined for all to see
Innocent in old blind eyes.
The spring of love still lives.

Richard Bach
True love stories never have endings.


Voegtli said...

A beautiful poem.

With all the shortcomings I have, there are two positive things I have: A very well developed social competence and (with my experience and age) a certain maturity. Which allows me to see things in a light way. And also to give this on to other people.

And I am pleased to hear Charles Aznavour again, just a did earlier in the day on Baron's blog. With the same song. And I know why.

Maude Lynn said...

This is lovely!

A Lady's Life said...

Hmm Peter: This is interesting :)

Thanks Mama Zen.
I love old people and have taken care of many of them.
Their eyes are clear and when you look in them, you can see their soul.

A Lady's Life said...

Old age is melancholy George but it doesn't have to be.Its all in how you see things. I have witnessed so much love,life and beauty in old eyes.Nothing changes in them. I have witnessed streets and memories of life disappear the moment you move and leave them behind. Today its easy to check things out using the satellite which takes you to your old places.Before you had to physically walk back there and witness it yourself.

Jen said...

Interesting how one reader thinks it's a bit melancholy but others, like me, think it is full of hope. "The spring of love still lives"...and may it live for a very long time to come.

A Lady's Life said...

Jen- I'll drink to that :)

Ingrid said...

This song brings back so many youth memories !

A Lady's Life said...

Gattina - Its one of my favorite songs as well.
It's like what my Gramma once told me, people fight rush hurry and in the end, what was it all for?
Life moves on and your life is forgotten. So sad isn't it?

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE the video... stole it and link to you in my blog post for Montmartre... merci!!!
ENJOY your day!

A Lady's Life said...

You are welcome Fifi :)
Love your blog :)