What is greater than God
More evil than the devil
The poor have it
The rich need it
And Those who eat it die.
Press shift key for the answer.
Hiding Out
This month, while our children and grandchildren up in Canada are
suffering through -40 C (-40 F) temperatures and record snowfall, Husby
and I, together...
16 hours ago
Ha! I know this one! I didn't have to press the shift key and I still had the correct answer!
I'm may be a supervisor at work, but I really don't use my brain when I'm off (give me a clue)
I know once you don't it's going to be like a snake (LOL)
Free spirit.when you press the shift key nothing happens.. so the answer is nothing.
What do the rich need... nothing
What do the poor have...nothing
If we eat it we will die.lol
Good for you quilly lol :)
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