Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Cross and the Crown
The snow is finally on the ground in all its purity.
How I love to look at it.
Beau's foot prints are seen every where. There is not an inch
that has escaped his  sniffer.
His head covered and his butt stuck full of snow,
he still refuses to come inside where it is warm.
 He comes to the door to invite us outside to join him.

An old dog, he still enjoys the freshness of nature and like most of us nature
lovers, feasts on the wonders all around him.
What a gift life is.
What a treasure.
With all the crosses one must bear , the
Crown of life is full and still all around us  .



Ingrid said...

I don't like snow at all, in short I don't like winter !

A Lady's Life said...

I love all seasons gattina.I think life would be boring without all these changes.