My son did not run anywhere and neither did my husband.
The two of them sat and chatted about cars and soccer and school and it was sooo nice to listen to them.
The family was at peace and everyone was happy.I busied myself to make them the salad they wanted with cheese for lunch and this after I made my husband the rare breakfast he eats with bacon, eggs and toast. The thing with my family is that I have to suggest to them what I have to make them and then it needs to sit a while for them to absorb it and get a taste for it, before they ask me to make them something.
lol The men today are worse than women with their diets and figures.lol
We later went out to look at a few cars since my son now needs one.
Volks wagons apparently all have transmission problems and the guy told my son the car he was interested in, was just redone, so we said thank you and goodbye.
Rebuilt transmissions hardly ever work. Its asking for another transmission job in a year or so. So sad. What happened to Volkswagon???
Even the clutches break and cost a mint to repair.
The US has such low car prices and here, we have to pay through the nose.
Hardly seems fair. It’s the same car.
Since I will not have my car tomorrow, I asked my son to take me to Walmart for thread to finish my scarf.
Walmart is doing a reno job so I don’t like going there right now but today they seem to have done a lot of progress and I found what I needed and got extra things like water for soccer, toothpaste, a smoothy mixer you drink from like a cup for my son and he got himself vitamins to keep himself healthy and strong.He is the youngest on his team and he says the men they play against are much bigger and tougher.For my husband I got the back support pillow to rest against in bed with arms on the side.I have been looking at it for a long time.
As for me, its always the same.
You make things and then run out just at the end so you buy more and then you have so much left you begin another project lol
I began a nice wool sweater with a yoke for my husband but it looked small.
Well my husband shrunk as well. Loll
The man hardly eats and I have to always pay attention to this and email him at work to make sure he doesn't forget to eat. I have become what you call, a nag lol
He jokes saying he eats to live so that leaves me with living to eat, cause I enjoy flavors. Well, what can I say. People need balanced meals. Loll
Now I make sure to make him sandwiches cause if I don’t he will never go and get something.
He’ll just work right through lunch and come home a grouchy bear till his stomach is full.
I like things to be big and bulky so I was disappointed and stopped knitting this sweater, at the yoke part.
I might finish it this week.
It will fit him . Its more for skiers in Switzerland so it will be warm.
If not, then I guess I can sell it.
I am soo proud of it, except for the size.
When we first met at University, I bought him one similar for his birthday and he loved it.
I don’t know if he loved it for the sweater or because I bought it . lol
He wore it and wore it and wore it and wore it, my handsome
Engineering student.:)And I was tickled that he did.
Now that I am sooo good at knitting (cough cough) I may pick up the stitches above the elbows And reknit the arms of this ancient sweater.
Elbows are very hard on sweaters and this one has many memories now.
Hardly seems worth it to throw away. Loll It needs resurrecting lol
When I finish this new one, I have another pattern, for the woodsman. It is shown in the picture above.
It has deer on it and a zipper and it looks like a jacket.Walmart has the zipper and I should have bought it because they are hard to find.
I find it doesn’t take that long to make these sweaters and people really appreciate them.But I want to run it with two threads, one out of wool and the other normal thread.This way it will not shrink and will be thicker.
I saw one woman doing this and she said it was well worth it.
She made them for childrens' charity plus she had two adopted girls from somewhere in Africa.
It's amazing how many women you meet at these sports events doing such crafts.
This time, I will make the sweater XL or even XXL It is disappointing to find out the pattern is too small after you are almost done the sweater.
The model wearing the sweater doesn’t look that small.The sweater, if it's too big can be worn over a fleecy or even a leather jacket for extra warmth.
It can be very helpful when you stand around watching soccer games.
These will be my new projects for Christmas.
Have a great Day Everyone!!!
I used to knit all the time a few years ago. I may start again now you've mentioned it. :)
Akelamalu - Its a great thing to do in winter.
Summer is for painting. lol
With all these projects you should never be bored.
You sound so happily busy. Good luck with your projects.
I still have sweaters knitted by me, for my hubby, my older boy...
knitting us cool!
lovely post.
George /Sandy - I always get inspired to do things and when they turn out it makes me extremely happy. I love learning new things because I feel everything you learn might come in handy one day.Every day is a learning experience, so where is the time to get bored? lol
People learn technology and I like to go back to the basics because if technology fails, how are you to survive? The old people knew so many things sometimes moreso than doctors.
Its amazing.So when I learn things, I try to pass on what I learned to my son and he listens with a third ear. lol
Jingle - things you make at home usually last much longer than what you buy at the store.
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