but no one goes to the root causes.
Why do people bully?
Is it because they are bullied too ? Most people are bullied.
I hear stories from women who are bullied and yelled at every day at work.
They are exploited, by being forced to work overtime without pay because the boss knows they need a job.
Today people need jobs so they get bullied. They come home upset or unemployed and stress out the family or get more stressed by family issues and then the kids go out and bully as well.
The kids used to be able to find jobs but today even they can't find anything. So they spend time hanging on the streets with their friends.
And why do we have this situation to day, if banks and other companies didn't outsource jobs.
All our manufacturing jobs are gone. The environmentalists seem to live on air cause they don't worry about jobs and the utility companies buy everything out so they don't care where they get their money from. They will get it one way or another.
People are hired, especially lawyers to find loop holes, to kill the middle class.
Bullying is not that simple an issue.
We want the trickle down effect in job creation and trying to shop so people have jobs but there are no jobs to make money to trickle down anymore.
We have one group camping objecting to economic abuse and another camping to buy foreign made products and people complain about the first guys making them out to be the bad guys when they are suffering out there for us all.
Instead, they will pass laws to create something worse than bullying.
Bullying corporations and laws trickle down to the people, who are depressed and this affects the kids.
So what are passing anti bullying laws going to do, add fuel to the fire?
Happy people, do not bully.
You bully because you hurt inside.
One of the first things my parents told me when I was bullied was to fight back and remember that the person hurting you, is hurt himself. So it isn't as personal as people believe.
This understanding helps a lot because it puts the bully and the victim on the same footing and inspires you to act in self defense and this then becomes a lesson in survival skills.
Life is about survival. In the animal kingdom , which we are a part of, the strong live and the weak die.
It's always been this way.
If things keep going the way they are, pretty soon a lot of people will either be living on the street or found dead on it.
All the laws will do is fill more jails at tax payers expense and act as a bandaide solution resolving nothing.