Thursday, September 8, 2011

renoir a la lady's life

I guess this painting has been hanging around a long while and requires finishing eventually.
Trouble is once you put the paints away, it takes a while to get back into it. lol

It isn't funny but you have to laugh

Oh my goodness!! lol


Ingrid said...

As I have my painting class each thursday, I always finish my paintings, otherwise I would never do it too. The advertising is hilarious !

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi .. that was terrible .. I sincerely hope it was a joke and not serious .. just too funny ... cheers Hilary

A Lady's Life said...

gattina mine are never finished lol

A Lady's Life said...

hilary - that was funny I wonder who will pay the million dollars though

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hiya .. I know - I've telling the staff up at the home and everyone's in hysterics .. and I wrote about it to my 94 year old 'aunt' .. as she's not too good .. hopefully she'll laugh a little.

I guess insurance - I sure hope so - otherwise I need to see the next video?! It's a good dine out video .. fun!! well perhaps .. for us lot who don't have a million in the first place - no it was a million euro = 1.38 million $, or 866,000 pounds UK ...

just a little different?!

Cheers Hilary

A Lady's Life said...

thanks hilary lol