Clint Eastwood had a quote I’d like to share.
He said:
“Strong men are respectful of women and
Strong women are respectful of men.
It’s the in between guys, that mess it all up.”
I really like this quote especially coming from a man
Who played so many roles of both weak and strong men.
I guess he must have learned something. Loll
You can, by this quote , measure, a particular point of a person’s life
By the behavior, and the vocabulary a person uses.
This is something young people should keep in mind when dating.
A person should also, not be so afraid of failure, so as to unconsciously will it,
through abusive and self destructive behavior.
Failure, doesn’t mean not passing a test, because it can be written again.
It doesn’t mean, not getting the girl, because there is a right one for you out there.
It doesn’t mean, not getting the job you want, because there are lots of doors out there,
which will open if you only have the guts to knock .
Failure, is only the result of having stopped trying to succeed.
Every day is a new day. It may end in triumph or it may end in dead ends.
The only way you will ever find out,
is to try again.
Every time you do, you develop strength of character, which then defines
the person you become.
So from A Lady’s Life……
Have a great day!