Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brothers Karamazov

This is one of my most favorite of all movies.
Grushenka, played by Maria Schell , was in love with a Polish Officer and Dimitrii, played by Yul Brenner, was in love with Grushenka.
When the Polish Officer called upon Grushenka to meet him at a tavern she ran to him.
Dimitrii went insane trying to find her. When he finally did Grushenka asked him if she should forgive the polish Officer for treating her so shabbily. Dimitrii said: You already did by showing up.

Actions spoke louder than words.

This is an amazing movie and I hope Turner Classics plays it again. I taped it to watch again.

This where Dimitrii really falls in love.

This movie comes with snow , Ice Skating on a lake, Russian Troika Horses, a Dancing Bear, Gypsies, music, tea from samovars, and the hot smells of good BBQ'd meat on skewers.
Life is seen in a village With Shatner playing as a Monk.

It is filled with love, hate, suffering, murder, and a never ending
question of whether or not God exists.

The old Saintly Monk Father Zasima, who refused to settle the Karamazov dispute over money, bowed down to the floor and Kissed Dimitrii's hand to his Father's horror.

Every actor played his part with heart . I saw other actors playing this Karamazov story, but none surpasses this one with Yul Brenner and Maria Schell.
Hope you get to see it one day.


Jen said...

I love old movies but haven't seen this one yet. You make it sound good. I'll keep an eye on the Classic Movie channel.

A Lady's Life said...

Jen = It's a really good movie
It falls within the same category as Gone With the Wind and War and Peace.
Dostoyevsky really hit the the head of the nail with this one.

Ingrid said...

Oh my, that doesn't make me younger, lol ! Maria Schell played mostly in German TV movies until she died. Yul Brynner was already very much in fashion with his bald head ! today lots of young man shave their heads completely !

A Lady's Life said...

Gattina - I have only seen two movies with Maria Schell. This one in which she was superb and another one that was a cowboy movie and she did not suit that role as a woman surrounded by cowboys.

juliana said...

we had to read dostoyevsky at school and i totally didn't like it. maybe today with a different mind this would change but i'm not ready to give it a try yet.
as fir the movie... i didn't watch it but i guess it is much less complex than the novel

A Lady's Life said...

Juliana - I love Dostoyevsky as well as Tolstoy, Pushkin, Gogol, etc....
As a kid I sat on my porch, gouging bushels of apples reading these books of which I could never get enough of.
The First Circle by Solzshenytsyn was also on my list. But of course I also read Les Miserables by Voltaire. and a slew of other books.My son doesn;t read a quarter of as many as I did over the years.
We did not have internet in those days so if you could get your hands on good books, you had an unquenchanable thirst to learn and discover what they had to say.

The movie is not like the book at all.
It's a love story. If you like Gone With the Wind, you'll love this one.

Trotter said...

Hi Lady! Yul Brynner? Amazing! This means I'm truly getting old... Had a suspicion with this back pain.... ;)
And reading Victor Hugo's Les Misérables doesn't make us younger also... ;)
There is a weird post at Blogtrotter Two... Enjoy and have a great Sunday and a gorgeous week ahead!

A Lady's Life said...

Trotter - Youth is captured in time and along with them we are all 23 lol
These stories will never die .:)

roughterrain crane said...

It sounds very interesting. Thanks for your introduction of the movie.