I love Gone With the Wind when Vivian Leigh finds life over whelming
and says:
"I'll think about it tomorrow, for tomorrow is another day."
We have 7 tomorrows in a week
Sunday is for example Sun's Day
Monday is Moon day
Tuesday is Tiu's day
Wednesday is Woden's day
Thursday is Thor's day
Friday is Freya's day. and
Saturday is Saturns' day
Greeks liked to name their days after the sun and 5 planets which also represented gods.
Days of the week were known as days of the gods.(sun , moon and Ares Hermes Zeus Aphrodite Cronus.)
The Romans had equivalent gods (Mars Mercury Jove Venus and Saturn).
The Germanic people also had equivalent gods( Tiu ,Woden, Thor, Freya ).
The Germans English Greeks and Romans kept Sun's Day as the day of the sun.
Monday was kept by the English Latin and Greeks as day of the moon
Tuesday came from Tiu = Engl/Germ god of war and sky.
The Norsemen also had a god Tyr
Mars is the Roman god of war and Ares the Greek god of war.
We have a seven day week
The Babylonians marked time with lunar months. They proscribed some activities during several days of the month, particularly the
first -- the first visible crecent,
seventh -- the waxing half moon,
fourteenth -- the full moon,
nineteenth -- dedicated to an offended goddess,
twenty-first -- the waning half moon,
twenty-eigth -- the last visible crecent,
twenty-nineth -- the invisible moon, and
thirtieth (possibly) -- the invisible moon.
The major periods are seven days, 1/4 month, long. This seven-day period was later regularized and disassociated from the lunar month to become our seven-day week.
Wednesday from Woden, is an Anglo Saxon/teutonic god , a leader of the wild hunt.
Woden means violently insane . The Norse knew him as Odin, the Romans as Mercury(god of commerce travel thievery eloquence and science) and the Greeks knew him as Hermes (also a god of commerce invention cunning and theft)
Thursday is Thors' day , a day of thunder . From the Latin , a day of Jupiter and from the Greek a day of Zeus. The Norse knew him as god of thunder who rode a chariot pulled by goats and held a hammer. He was destined to be killed by a serpent Midgard.
His equivalent is Jupiter in Rome and Zeus in Greece.
Friday = Freyas' day from the German and dies Veneris from the Latin, and Aphrodite from the Greek. Freo means free from the Germanic meaning beloved.
Freya is the Teutonic goddess of love and beauty and fertility
The Norse god Frigg identifies with her.
Saturns' day is Saturday known as Cronus in Greek Saturn is god of agriculture ruling over happiness and virtue
Apparently Zeus dethroned his Father Cronos (Titan)
The days of the week turn into days of the month.
In Babylonian times they saw the
1st of the month as a crescent moon
the 7th as the waxing 1/2 moon,
the 14th as a full moon,
(the 19th as a day for an offended goddess.)
This follows on the 21st with a waning 1/2 moon,
28th shows the last visible crescent,
(the 29th and 30th as an invisible moon.)
Each quarter moon seems to have an average of 7 days between.
The 7 days became our 7 day week.
By looking at the moon, you can tell if it's the
1st 7th 14th 21st or 28th day of the month.
I found this interesting.