Sunday, June 20, 2010


A Lady's Life
Wishes all Dad's
a wonderful day for
Father's Day.


Ingrid said...

We had father's day last Sunday in Belgium.
I think fathers have father day the whole year long, lol !

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

cute words.
Same to Dads in your family.

Voegtli said...

Thank you for the wiahes. I did not get any from my family. But that is normal. They don't know about Father's Day. This is something very, very low profile in Switzerland, close of being unknown.

Maude Lynn said...

Hope the Dads in your family had a great day!

A Lady's Life said...

Thanks I made my guy his stuffed grape leaves. He loves them.
My son got him a cake and they watched soccer and enjoying non coholic beer so I'd say every one was happy. I also caught a baby raccoon from my roof.
So I will now try to catch the Mama and then take them away from here
When birds lay eggs it entices the coons to come for the eggs.