Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dancer and Prancer Donner and Blitzen

Santas reindeer are warming up to Christmas music.
They are looking forward to Christmas Eve. I am crocheting snow flakes
, bells, and angels to add to my flowers stars and roses I made already.

This Christmas it looks like the tree will have so much stuff on it.
The crochet stuff looks wonderful next to the shiny decorations.
The snowflakes are about one inch so they really look like they just fell from the sky.

All my crocheting really paid off this year.

 I made these in regular wool thread and they came out big like doilies and then with a small hook
and cotton thread, so those came out like snowflakes.
The one on the left I ironed.  It looks flat as a pancake and more like a doily. I won't do that again.

The days go by too fast.

 Here is a collage of all the different things I made.
I love the bells the most cause they take 5 min to make.
Then I added the balls under them so they look like they chime.



Lydia Kang said...

I used to crochet snowflakes too! I wish I could find them. I was so proud of them. I used to soak them in a glue solution and stretch them out a bit while they dried, so they'd be stiff enough to hang from the Xmas tree.

A Lady's Life said...

Lydia - I am afraid to put them in glue cause it would yellow the things eventually wouldn't it?
I prefer starch . I have to get some or look up how to make it at home.