Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Newest Throw

This is my newest throw. It's not a big one.

It took a lot of time to do the appliques and to put the squares together.

But its done and can be used for a twin or childs' bed.
or even a normal bed for decoration. You can't see the true colors but they are very bright.
What is good about this project is that if you ever want to continue it to make it larger, you can.

So now that's another project I can put away for a rainy day.
Have a good one.:)


Anji said...

The colours are lovely. I like the idea of being able to add to it

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

I love it. No color is too bright for me. I see the butterfly and I'm going to assume you were thinking of me ;-)

Have a very happy Sunday!
Love you.

A Lady's Life said...

Thanks:) You can click on the picture twice to get a closer view and it has about 3 butterflies so Yes I have been thinking about you butterfly. Most definitely so! :)

George said...

This is a beautiful throw.

Ingrid said...

My goodness ! that must have been a lot of work ! Beautiful result though, I could never do that, I have no patience at all !

juliana said...

looks very pretty. crocheted?

SandyCarlson said...

Looks cozy and warm!

A Lady's Life said...

Thanks George :)
Thanks Sandy :)
Anji: I also love to leave things in a way so one could change it, if need be, to fit the occasion.

Juliana yes, it is all crocheted with the exception of the appliques.

Gattina : I have lots of patience. The thing about knitting and crocheting, once you get into it you can't stop. Its like a drug. Your hands just keep moving and you want desperately for it to be done.But then your fingers begin to itch again for a new project.