These are my beautiful Primulas.
I had soil outside which was so wet,
it is three days now, that I
don't need to water these pretty girls
since I transplanted them all into one pot.
Color is very welcome in this house.
Since I was doing this I decided to put my lemon tree plant into a bigger pot.
Now I have to transplant one more, so they have room to root and grow.
I hope the little guys grow into trees so I have reason to rejoice.
Rejoicing over the little things in life are meaningful rewards
one gets, which make life worth living.
Today we had what is called a lunch break fast. Fries with stir fry of zuccini
mushrooms onions garlic, Italian sausage, vegetable gyozas, tomato and fresh ginger.
Gosh does it smell nice!
I wish I could have a bowl of chopped ginger to sit and smell all day.
I wonder if they make ginger candles for aroma therapy ?
Better yet, ginger crunches nicely and I love things when they crunch.
My poor son has a back ache. All this soccering is finally catching up to him.
Mens soccer is ruthless . He still manages to be top scorer but the pay off is
seen in aches and pains one must sooth after the game. I don't know why
men have to be so rough when it is just a game. Not like they will make or
lose millions on it.
My Bella and Tanya are having girl issues. They scrap something awful.
It's all for show and all for balls.
Bella always sits begging pitifully for food when you eat. If you give her
a piece of something and the other one sees and doesn't get something too,
she comes over and looks into Bellas' mouth.
The look is like.... spit it out or there will be
heck to pay. I'm top dog here.
Reminds me of an Ottie and Garfield moment.
Bella ignores her and goes on to beg for more.
Her begging is so pitiful that if someone who doesn't know her hears it,
he/she will think, oh poor dog must be lonely. They must be abusing it. lol
That sure is a talker dog and she jumps on you every once in a while,
with nothing but pure love. My husband loves her to no end.
Finally he got what he sees is the perfect dog: black, smart, loveable and a talker.
We have never had such a pesty dog. She always wants to be a part
of everything and for people like us, we love it.
Tanya sits like an angel and waits .
You have to coax her and she has to smell and
analyze before taking it delicately. Bella smells and either collects stuff cause she wants
more fast before it's gone, or eats it with gusto.
Sometimes they have this sit off. Bella or Tanya leaves the food and sits and
watches the other one salivate but dares not approach to take it.
Tanya plays smart When she wants something, she walks off so Bella gets distracted
and then she circles back and picks up what she wants and takes it away from Bella
Bella then stands looking for her stuff and the stuff is gone.
So Tanya is teaching Bella every day to be smart.
I never knew Tanya was smart like that.
She never had to be I guess. lol
Have a good one.
1. Spring has officially sprung (in the northern hemisphere anyway)...did
she roll in more like a lion or more like a lamb in your neck of the woods?
1 day ago