Sunday, May 9, 2010



Vicky said...

Happy Mother's Day Vic! I always loved Lady and the Tramp as a kid!!

A Lady's Life said...

Thanks Vicky:)

Kimmy said...

Greetings A Lady's Life,
I just wanted to pop in and wish you a most lovely Mother's Day filled with an over abundance of love, joy and the form of cupcakes galore! :-)
Have a wondrous upcoming week, cheers!

A Lady's Life said...

Thank you so much Kimmy for these lovely words. :)
much appreciated.

George said...

I hope you had a very wonderful Mother's Day.

A Lady's Life said...

Thank you George. :) I did.
Made a great meal and now will watch the Cunucks (lose???) against Chicago.
lol Too bad We need better coaches cause we can win we have the oomph!

Voegtli said...

My best wishes for a Happy Mother's Day too. I think mother's should be celebrated every day of the year. Because they are the root of our upbringing. From the day, they gave birth until we are let loose into this world, and even after, they cover us with their love.

SandyCarlson said...

Happy Mother's Day! Thanks for this post.

Jen said...

That's how the horses around here look when trail rides pass around rodeo time. I love that picture. Have a happy mother's day!

quilly said...

You make me wish for speakers. I have no flipping idea where I took my headphones off to!

Happy Mother's Day.

Ingrid said...

The horses are beautiful !
Thanks for good wishes. In all European countries I know it's more celebrated as a feast for the own mother, not for all mothers in the world.

Trotter said...

Hi Lady! Happy (belated) Mother's Day! Here in Portugal we had it on the first Sunday in May...
Lovely horses!!

Ephesus Masterpieces are at Blogtrotter Two for you to enjoy; I’m sure you’ll be impressed!! Have a great week!!

Akelamalu said...

belated Happy Mother's Day to you. We had Mother's day back in March. :)

alady'slife said...

Thanks guys! We watched the Cunucks vs Chicago yesterday. I knew we were going to win cause I got a word verfication Berni on my blog and Berni was my sons elite soccer coach who doesn't like to lose, so I took this as a sign lol Usually I am right on the ball when this happens.
Keeps the series interesting. Now the next game should be even more interesting to watch. Have a good day every one!