Thursday, May 8, 2014

Little Bit of Lovin

This little new born 0-3 mo. set I made with silver buttons
is so cute.
I got a really nice designer, dark gray ribbon for the booties,
and the hat in the right hand corner.

The hat in the right hand corner is larger so I will keep it for another set.
for the 3-6 month babies.

They are fun to make cause they don't take much time and it keeps me busy
passing time.

It is raining a lot this end of the country. The grass is really long and
 needs a good cutting but we are waiting for it to dry a bit or
 the lawn mower will not cut it. I need a good garden tractor so
 I can do it myself since pushing a mower would be out of the question.

I always take the skins off the chicken . Usually I roll them up and freeze then
and then chop them and
give them to the birds outside in winter.
Now what I did was roll them up and put them into another container to roast with the chicken.
They dry out and cool and now my Rovers have home made chicken chewies.
Pays to make them at home.
With a big dog I guess you would have to roll out a lot of skins to make it thick and long
but with my little girls one chicken leg makes a nice tid bit to chew on.

Hope you all have a nice day.


Ingrid said...

How cute ! I don't like knitting

George said...

This is a cute baby set -- I like it a lot. Thanks for reminding me that I need to get out and cut our grass before our rain gets here later in the day.

A Lady's Life said...

Thanks George I am rather proud of it. lol Now I need a baby lol

A Lady's Life said...

Gattina you are busy doing other things but I like to keep busy when sitting by the TV. Seems a crochet hook is the easiest and cleanest thing one can do .