Wednesday, August 7, 2013

From the Mouth of Babes .....

Getting Someone back in more ways than one. Songs are the best ways.

You know it's true when little Jack tells it like it is to the CIA.

I guess life is like puppies, running jumping falling scraping drinkin and dyin.
It's all out there for us to see and learn from.



Unknown said...

And the only choices we get is to laugh or cry. Oh, wait... we can crawl in a hole and cover our eyes and ears.

If only choices made could be given monetary value... can you imagine how differently people would behave?! Ha!

A Lady's Life said...

Oh I don't know Teresa. It's a mad mad mad world out there lol
It fun though people can make fun when they get angry. It eases a lot of pressure.

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, how funny!

Margie said...

Made me laugh :) !

Ingrid said...

Love the last video, lol !