Monday, January 21, 2013

The Robin and the Bear

Our Richmond Casino did not disappoint us.
Bear was still there surrounded by Chinese decorations.


Every where we looked something was going on

Outside it was cold and foggy, not surprising since we were by water.

We were too late for the Buffet so we tried some Japanese Sushi places and they were all closed in Richmond.
So we decided to head back home because everything is open where we live. The third choice was Red Robin and it is always a good choice for burgers onions and desserts.
We all had an Onion Soup which was quite delicious.
My husband took a chilli burger, I took the sizzling fajita steak which was very tender, and my son took another yummy burger with fries.We also had their excellent onion rings.
By the time I finished eating I think I ate enough onions today. lol
Even my steak had red peppers with onions on the side.

The decor at Red Robin is Vintage.
And I LOVE Vintage.

You certainly can go down memory lane here even if it was before my time.


Now this bike was still around my time

Some comic books.


Who needs an engine when things are SMOKIN at Red Robin.

We had a great day. The fog went away for a while and then came right back.

It was a Red Robin Bear Day today and we even got leftovers for the dogs
who enjoyed them tremendously. 



Lydia Kang said...

So much brilliant red in these photos. Thanks for sharing!

A Lady's Life said...

Welcome Lydia.
The Chinese sure know how to have fun.

Akelamalu said...

Can't have too many onions in my opinion. ;)

A Lady's Life said...

Akelamalu = lol

Ingrid said...

After all you had a nice meal ! The decor is nice too !

A Lady's Life said...

Gattina - yes the day ended well.
We had our family outing lol