Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Help Is On The Way!!!! (not)

Italian videos always make me laugh and this one didn't disappoint
me either. lol
I can just picture the police man getting into his car and calling the SWAT
 team to handle this one.

I love Asian cards because they are so much fun to look at.
This one I kept because when it's open, it  makes a circle.
It is actually a calendar.
I believe this is Japanese because it was illustrated by
Setsuko Machida, from Tokyo, Japan in 1997


  Everything looks like a celebration and there is so much color.

It was easy to put the pictures in order because they follow a sequence.
I wish I had the translation to the handwriting in the pics but the calendar,
 itself, is in English

These seem to be colorful lanterns celebrating July August and September

December seems to end in a big BANG! lol
The card's last page included an explanation of what Japan celebrates when.

This helps a lot. lol
3D is fun.
I also like 3d Books for children.



A Lady's Life said...

Thanks Izdeher Over the years you seem to collect a lot of stuff. lol

Adam said...

it's in Japanese. The first two characters mean Japan, and it also has katana letters which are Japanese only.

A Lady's Life said...

Adam I knew you would know something lol

Ingrid said...

The video is great, lol ! Mr. G. has even a more strong accent in English !

A Lady's Life said...

lol gatina