Sunday, July 15, 2012

Lazy Hazy Summer

As you drive along beautiful BC roads with crystal clear lakes and rippling rivers
You come across chicory. It's a long time since I've seen it around here.
and fields and fields of lush green grasses, an artists paradise.
Along the Coquihalla Hwy. we see small rapid creeks, which dry up in the fall,
being used for river rafting by young people.
It looks like a lot of fun and safe since the creek is not deep.

Every where you see signs of Canadian Pride.

Miles and miles of tree tops overlooking highway barriers, on the other side of which are steep embankments. Nothing one would want to go over.


Another soothing wall painting on a Restaurant sporting sizzling ribs.

The breathtaking views of this beautiful province, is reason enough to scream and yell
at business which tries to destroy it. However the proper infrastructure doesn't follow
the number of people who want to come and live here.
Jobs are the number one problem followed by affordable homes to live in and high costs of living.
It wouldn't take much to destroy this little piece of heaven on earth.



Ingrid said...

Beautiful place !

Diana said...

It sure is beautiful, I'd love to visit one day! Love Di ♥

Rob-bear said...

A beautiful place is B.C. Wonder at virtually every turn.

A Lady's Life said...

thanks guys

SandyCarlson said...

You make me want to be there!

Magia da Inês said...

Belas fotografias!

Boa semana!

A Lady's Life said...

thanks sandy and magia