This is a small view of Chilliwack which means
"as far upriver as you can go before having to switch to a pole"
Mountains of course, are found all around you, as well as the Fraser and Vedder Rivers.
Mountains are one thing we are not short of around here and never get tired looking at.
Chilliwack is excited because it found turtle doves have made it their home.
There are not many turtle doves in BC.
They say Cultus Lake, which is nearby, sometimes has fish that arrive underground from the ocean.
This is amazing to have a tunnel that long they could swim in to come here.
Yes, the corn is already 4 feet high, and smog from the US,
travels right up here, although the air quality they say is among the best of the world.
We found many berry farms too.
There are about 900 farms here.
Tourists can enjoy seeing honey farms, dairies, restaurants serving farm fresh produce,
water sports, fishing coho, steel heads, chum.
Thanks to Mt Baker in the |US, the Chilliwack River has the longest river rafting in Hyak. There is 18 miles of it going through Tamahi, Sawmill and Swamp rapids, which takes about 4 1/2 hours.
The Skwah First Nation or Skwah Band , a band government of the Sto:lo Indians,
is found here. 40,000 of them lived in this area 5-10,000 years ago.
They spoke Halkomelem a language we don't hear much of today.
After gold was found in the Frazer Valley, steam ships began coming and Chiilliwack became a landing for these boats in 1857 when farms began to grow in the area.

"as far upriver as you can go before having to switch to a pole"
Mountains of course, are found all around you, as well as the Fraser and Vedder Rivers.
Mountains are one thing we are not short of around here and never get tired looking at.
Chilliwack is excited because it found turtle doves have made it their home.
There are not many turtle doves in BC.
They say Cultus Lake, which is nearby, sometimes has fish that arrive underground from the ocean.
This is amazing to have a tunnel that long they could swim in to come here.
Yes, the corn is already 4 feet high, and smog from the US,
travels right up here, although the air quality they say is among the best of the world.
We found many berry farms too.
There are about 900 farms here.
Tourists can enjoy seeing honey farms, dairies, restaurants serving farm fresh produce,
water sports, fishing coho, steel heads, chum.
Thanks to Mt Baker in the |US, the Chilliwack River has the longest river rafting in Hyak. There is 18 miles of it going through Tamahi, Sawmill and Swamp rapids, which takes about 4 1/2 hours.
The Skwah First Nation or Skwah Band , a band government of the Sto:lo Indians,
is found here. 40,000 of them lived in this area 5-10,000 years ago.
They spoke Halkomelem a language we don't hear much of today.
After gold was found in the Frazer Valley, steam ships began coming and Chiilliwack became a landing for these boats in 1857 when farms began to grow in the area.
Sadly We don't see steam ships today. Would have been a nice tourist attraction.
The Canadian Pacific Rail arrived in 1885 and replaced them.
The days are very long and hot here which makes it excellent for crop growing and the rain is not shy either.
We had a beautiful day visiting this town and looking at the mountains which are just spectacular.
We stopped at Price Pro which had such great smelling, ready made food under glass, for picnicers.
The bread was cheap at 1.87 a loaf. It was very good bread, thinly sliced with a crusty crust but we didn't find the food prices very cheap. So we got a few things like Blue Cheese, bread, cold cuts, water, coke and stopped by Cultus Lake to enjoy a bite and the view before driving home.
We came home just in time to water our potted plants as the heat sure drains them of water fast.
It was nice to sit watching a beautiful day fall to sleep, over ice cream and apple pie.
Our nights are cool and pleasant to sleep.
I have no complaints at all where that's concerned.
But hot days is where it's at.
Hope you had a good week end.
Curtis & Leroy saw an ad in their local newspaper and bought a
mule for $100.
The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day.
The following morning the farmer drove up, and said: "Sorry,
fellers, I have some bad news for you, the mule died last night."
Curtis & Leroy replied; "Well then, just give us our money back."
The farmer said; " Can't do that...I went and spent it already."
They said;... "Okay then, just bring us the dead mule."
The farmer wondered: "What in the world ya'll gonna do with a dead mule?"
Curtis told him "We gonn'a raffle him off."
The farmer argued "You can't raffle off a dead mule!"
Leroy added: "We shore can! Heck, we don't hafta tell nobody he's dead!"
A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis & Leroy at
the Co-Op grocery store and asked: "Say...what'd you fellers ever
do with that dead mule?"
Curtis, said: "We raffled him off like we said we wuz gonn'a do."
Leroy added: "Shucks, we sold 500 tickets fer two dollars a
piece and made a profit of $898."
The farmer said: "Yowza!, didn't anyone complain...?"
Curtis said: "Well, the feller who won was really upset. So we
gave him his two dollars back."
Curtis and Leroy now work for the government.
They're overseeing Prime Minister Harper's investigation of
the Senate and the spending scandal.
Now we know. (.) _ (.) .
Mama Zen - hard to find ugly places in BC
It's just beauty beauty beauty but if more people keep moving here it won't last long because people direspect and destroy.
People need to come for visits only so
construction and cutting of trees stops.This way every one can enjoy it while it's there.
Some beautiful mountains!
Sandy they are tall and lush all year round.
I very much love the countryside and old farmhouses !
We just came through Chilliwack. Beautiful! Love the joke! Saving it for my dad!
It is isn't it Diane
Gattina me too and they have many historical places to visit.
It sounds an idyllic time was had by all - the country is just lovely there .. I haven't been that far south .. but love the large open spaces ..
Summer fruits and veggies .. and then watching the sun go down with apple pie and icecream - wonderful thought .. cheers Hilary
Hilary - every one is talking about 4 foot high corn, so I went to see for myself and yup, sure enough, it's 4 feet high in Chilliwack, corn country and boy is it sweet corn too.
If you want good deals then you have to go to the farming communities to get them but with the price of gas it hardly makes it worth while unless you happen to be in the area.
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