Thursday, April 28, 2011
New Volkswagon Plant
The exterior of the plant resembles a hospital. The company has special trains for visitors and for deliveries.
Inside the plant it's meticulous and high tech . Almost resembles an operating room.
Everything is automated and workers wear white uniforms.
Each floor is an assembly line and cars get thorough inspections at each post
Each assembly post has a hydraulic bridge.
The crane holding the car moves it in any direction desired.
The car is brought to the parts to be installed andthe engines are mounted with transmissions
Tools are all precision tools.
Once done the car continues on the assembly line to the storage area where an elevator takes them up to their parking spaces.
They make about 5000 cars per week.
Very impressive!!
They say Hitler was killed May 1st and Bin Laden was shot May 1 st.
Well he is happy now with his 12 virgins lol
His loyalists should be happy for him.
As for the significance of his death for the rest of the world
I imagine most wish he goes to the other less comfortable place and join Hitler.
Both men left a message of savage terror in the world.
Congratulations world.
We survived these men.
Either life is quiet with nothing to say or things happen all in one shot.
This week end was very exciting with the hockey game we lost, the Royal wedding, this news about Bin Laden
and the tornado which killed an additional 300 people.
Ghadaffi's son was killed although its not clear which son or how many he has.
Was it the one who was on Television saying he will fight alongside his Father?
I hope the men will all come home now, as we did, what we went there to do.
If the middle east needs help, it can be given via air attacks, as they have been
doing in Ghadaffi's world without any more loss of good men.
Auspicious week end to be sure.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A Fleeting Butterfly Moment.
This video was emailed to me by celestial elf
I found it to be beautiful
Thanks Elf.
I am more than happy to put it on my blog.
I also love the idea of building these kind of globes in back yards to promote the growing of wild flowers for these beautiful butterflies.
I guess, what would be even better, is for hikers and nature lovers to carry perennial flower seeds with them
and spread them over the areas they hike, where they believe the seeds might have a chance to sprout to feed nature and her bounty. You never know.
Wild mint, wild onions, oats, clover, etc... growing all over the country side still wild and untouched by man.
We all seek nature to enjoy but never think what we can do to help it along.
These are small things but worth trying and helps small business.
Selling seeds, is a very good small business idea. :)
Where butterflies live so do birds and other creatures.
Rappin it with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
I found this video funny trying to modernize the forefathers.
So much going on these days.
We spent the whole night with
the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Their wedding was fabulous and it was
heart breaking to see the horrible
Camilla taking Diana's place when they went in to
sign the ledger at Westminster Abbey, Diana and the Queen married in.
Lots of atmosphere there as memories went back the Diana's funeral and hymns the couple chose to play.
Camilla was in charge of the music and choir I think, which was their way of including her in their day and her grand child was one of the flower girls.
They lined the walkway with green trees adding color and fresh air into
the elaborate wedding ceremony
I just hope the Queen continues to live a long and happy life
so this couple have a chance to be a normal family and Prince Charles too
old to rule and be replaced by his very popular son.
William did a lot to try to unite everyone this very special day.
The night before he went out to the loyal public who spent the night on the street
to be able to get a glimpse of him and his beautiful bride the next day.
They showered him with love and affection and good wishes as they did his Mother
Diana, Princes of Whales a long time ago.
I am sure he will return her, her rightful title, when he becomes king and she will again become a Princess as well as the Queen of peoples' hearts.
It was disclosed that Diana was a very lonely Princess and went out into the street every week to provide the homeless with clothes and food. The reporters felt this was an odd thing for her to do personally, had she had a busy family life with a loving husband.After doing her royal duties she would return home to an empty house devoid of children and servants and the reporters felt very sorry for her.They said the Prince took a beautiful, innocent girl, and knowingly, destroyed her and this alone makes it unfit for him to be king.
Harry was at first looking very overwhelmed but he took control and again became his usual happy self
as he took his job as best man seriously.He took care of the flower girls and boys helping Kates sister who is equally a beauty in her own right.
Wouldn't it be great if those two got together?
Being soccer oriented, we were so glad to see David Beckham and his Posh sitting there,along with Elton John.
Well time flies and the day is almost over so have to get moving
Have a good Friday everyone.
Benjamin Franklin - Who Knew?
Benjamin Franklin really was an inspiration.
Who knew he could be so creative?
He is almost as creative as our NDP Jack Layton,
who can be seen as the new Obama, painting
rainbows in the sky, as we near another election night.
What politicians won't do for a vote?
And what are people thinking?
What are young people thinking?
Where is the money to pay for all these things
supposed to come from?
A dangerous rainbow is looming
over Canada which could end up in a devastating
We are in for some interesting days ahead.
The only one who talks sense is Harper
He is for the economy, jobs and
safety. Is this not enough to fill a plate?
Guess not. Empty promises sound better.
Who knows, maybe Jack is like Santa
with a secret bag full of presents he
plans to use magic to make appear.
It's been done before (in fairy tales). lol
If only our founding Fathers knew
how their creations are used today,
they would roll over in their graves.
I think Benjamin Franklins' invention
is a better invention because it withstood time
It's a better invention than the dangerous game
Jack Layton is playing with the Canadian people
Turns you off politics totally.
Happy Thursday everyone. :)
What a Wonderful World
People are wonderful creative creatures.
So much beauty and wonder in the world.
And love is to try to make life easier on people
who you love.
So people create and new businesses are formed everyday
making the world a great place to live.
And yet many sit, being unable to cross Go.
Unable to collect their 200 dollars so they could spend it to enrich themselves
and their loved ones in the process.
Still, what a wonderful world we live in, because with a bit of imagination,
people can and do create out of nothing.
Our world, full of tastes and sounds, does not have to stop with
Bach and Mozart to feed our body and our soul.
Music can be played even on simple things such a glass.
Water contains different sounds one can turn into music,
pleasant to the ear.
Here we have a combination of both.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
A Montreal win against Boston in game 6
THE CANUCKS won their series against the Stanley Cup Champion
The Chicago Black Hawks.
Vancouver streets were empty as every one was either glued to their TV sets or at the stadium cheering our team on, almost in tears, to see our game tied the last few minutes and going into overtime.
Canadian, Cory Crawford, The Hawk Goalie, was incredible!!!
He denied shot after shot but fell short after an Alexander Burrows snipe early in overtime.
Our team looked pretty bashed up at start up. Full of black eyes and stitches, they continued to battle against, not just a team but one of the best teams they could ask, to compete against, keeping fans on both sides, gripped by near miss heart attacks.
Some one had to win and I am sure glad it was us this time.:)
We are very proud of you!!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday Delight
This was a cake my husband couldn't resist buying this week end.
It was delicious but full of calories 450 calories is enough for a whole day.
Only thing you can add to that is a few green beans lol
But who cares. Its not everyday we get to place our piggies into whipped creme
and licking them off with anticipation of what else is to come .
I mean would anyone use a napkin to do this?
Not me anyway.
My sisterinlaw lives by her Ferero Rocher Cakes and I can see why because the ingredients put into them are beyond wonderful.
I am dying to try making one now and this is not a good idea lol
Our Canucks lost yesterday 4-3 and we knew they would when Schneider left the goal and wasn't ready for a quick puck.Then he got hurt. No one is sure how or why and then
Louongo also made a mistake and it cost us.However the refs were also not obeying rules and breaking them to give the US every chance to win. We made the winning goal they did not count. They saw it going in and blew the whistle.
One more game left now and it will be for all or nothing.
It is no wonder these two teams hate each other. The Chicago goalie, Crawford, is fantastic.
He did so much for the Hawks and it is because of him they are doing so well.
Happy Monday everyone!!
I hope we win . GO CANUCKS GO!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Goodwill Hunting
I like this video because it sorta takes me back to the hippy days when the monsters of today had a heart.
This video made a liver and filled it with chestnuts.
I was thinking a while back, that if we made toys and filled them with rice, or buckwheat or beans, they would be good toys to give to children where hunger proliferates. They could always refill the toys with something else after they eat the food.
We have tons of fir trees and the acorns are everywhere.
If we dry them we can get pine nuts
They are used in rice and other cooking recipes.
It's expensive to buy them.
Well suppose we filled our toys for charity with nuts. Pine nuts, walnuts chest nuts
It gives you incentive to grow these trees in your yard doesn't it.?
I have 8 oak trees on my kitchen window I plan to plant but now I'm thinkin,
well I should grow more of everything.
I was thinking about a cemetery where my Mom is resting.
Things are very apt to disappearing there.
You put flowers. next day they are gone.
Where did they go?
Into someones house?
Next time, I will leave a note and say:
Plant these oak trees where they are safe, preferably this cemetery
so it's visited by earth creatures and friends and relatives, and
gives the resting souls here, peace and life everlasting.
Once we bury our dead we forget them and this is not right.
Coming to collect the fruit of the earth gives us a reason to
visit our loved ones.
There is life overseas which is fighting to live and to play.
Innocent life which didn't ask to be born and is not guilty.
And we have nature here, to help us fill the sewn toys.
Can you see a child with a rice filled Teddy, or a mouse full of cous cous,
or a pup full of edible beans, a liver full of chestnuts.etc....
A candy cane full of raisins. and maybe a floating ring full of flour,
kittens full of macaroni.
The list is endless.
For Easter, we can call it Good Will Hunting. Sew fish and turn them into
sugar or salt.
It can be done anywhere and everywhere where the need is most.
Christmas , all year round.
Easter, all year round.
Death, followed by resurrection of the mind and spirit.
Our fellow Americans and Canadians , even with social services,
have not received the message or understanding of good will.
Good will is not a law.
Good will has nothing to do with justice or rights.
Good will has to do with love for your fellow man.
Generosity and forgiveness.
Good Sunday to every one.
And Good Will Hunting.
A Lady's Life.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
boob boop a doop
Today was a peaceful and gorgeous Good Friday.
We got some groceries and began preparations for tomorrow.
I boiled and colored some eggs.
I am marinating a lamb leg and made vine leaves, my husbands
favorite dish
Tomorrow I will try to make some other things.
I have to try making my Mom's Kulich bread which has sour creme and raisins in it
and her Pyroshky which is yeast dough with a filling of your choice.
It could be with potatoes and bacon or mushrooms and rice or meat and rice. or with other things.
After she filled them she let them rise and then dipped them in hot oil and they would puff up
and turn a little brown .
Then she'd take them out and we'd have about 100 of them for lunches and snacks and even for quick meals. They can also be frozen for when you want to eat them.
We watched some sports. They had a nice movie called the Apocalypse and I took the time to watch Vision TV to get some spiritual guidance because this is a time of year , when a man hung on a cross and suffered for mankind asking God his Father to forgive us, for we know not what we do.
And every year I live , I learn more and more, that man really doesn't know what he does and yet he preaches to other men to beget followers.
I try to teach as well, things I was taught to believe in but I only believe, because there is something more , which goes beyond our 7 senses.
There is an understanding of what true love is, true kindness and true peace we all so crave for.
Our lives on earth comes to nothing close to this understanding.
No matter how much you want to get to that point of understanding and behavior, it's intercepted by forces we can't control, who deny they exist and do not want to be proven wrong. lol
The question remains as to why this blessed man chose to die. Why didn't he run?
I would have run. Most people would have run but he didn't .
He welcomed death because he believed he would find everlasting life.
If he was my son, I would have punched him out and carried him to safety if he did not obey but his parents didn't do it. His friends didn't do it. Even Pontius Pilate, whose wife foretold of a great sin this would be for him to crucify this particular man but it didn't stop him.
Why didn't someone stop him?
Well we are all people. We all believe what we believe and we are either touched by his spirit or we are not. .
The good thing is, that we do not need to worry about it because everyone's turn will come, when they are ready for it.
A Lady's Life sends
goodness and blessings to your homes and hearts across the miles
Quality Time with Your Parents
I enjoyed this video as well.
Today is Thursday and we are preparing ourselves for Good Friday and the week end.
I have a whole menu planned but it has to be done last minute or my guys will eat everything before it hits the table lol
I have one 18 year old who is always hungry. Mom make me a steak. Mom I 'm hungry! You just ate a steak ..... Ya that was nothing.
Well wait for supper ....No I am hungry now..
Ya right. Waiting for the son to come home for a sit down meal is just as bad as having Dad come home and saying he isn't hungry and needs to unwind before supper.
So the boy eats and goes out with his friends and we are stuck alone eating later and then doing dishes ........later and kitchen cleaning ........later
Hello! lol
I can see why Moms go nuts at home trying to please every one except themselves. lol
So I am trying to sit and finish a sweater to have peace of mind.
I have been on the yoke for three days now doing and undoing it because I can't get the pattern to match,
I am rushing and
I am trying to make it larger so the fit is looser.
The other one I made said large but I swear it's a medium and it really kills to do all this work and then find out the sweater is smaller than you want it to be, especially when you buy pure wool but I do love the one piece yoke sweaters and they are not hard to make at all if you have the right pattern size to fit properly.
Otherwise it pays to fiddle and do some counting and hope it all works out in the end. lol
When the sweater washes, it can also shrink and my guys are just not the kind to be trusted enough to look ,and will put pure wool into the drier in spite of you telling them 100 times, sweaters are not washed in the washing machine nor dried in the drier. lol
So after working on my projects, I am a little stingy to give them because they are not valued as I would like them to be. But for special occasions I have them and I lend them for the day and they have to be given back after the day is over. lol
Well today is a big day for wrestling, basketball and hockey.
So the meal will be a quick one.
Left over soup with a side of rice
Hot chicken wings, mashed potatoes, and broccoli.
Let's see what happens to our Canucks tonight.
Since the Torres incident they stopped playing.
Everyone knows Chicago is angry and we expect anything to happen,because they said they were going to hurt the Sadines and our goalie.
not to mention the NHL commissioner,Gary Betman,doesn't want Canada to win. lol
But this is just a rumor.
We are in for some interesting game to say the least.
Not expecting to win though.
Montreal lost to Boston in overtime with an off side goal, which the US ref did not call.
Something is amiss to be sure.
The Cunucks have US refs. today.
People pay to see fair games but it is never what it seems I guess.
It's 5-0 and they pulled Louongo out.
It's like it's a totally different game cause our team is not even trying.
Have a good one everyone:)
New Parenting Skills
This video was enjoyable lol
Today I looked through my recipes.
I made soup with cous cous meat balls, potatoes and veggies. The bouillon came out delicious and with a side of basmati rice my fellas enjoyed it .
I used to buy parboiled rice but now changed to basmati cause it smells so nice and is so easy to cook
I love it.
I also made crepes with a
wonderful recipe which did not make them stick to the pan
What a pleasure to cook when they behave. in the pan.
I stuffed the crepes with a meat and rice filling ( we are not fasting like we're supposed to)
fried them a bit and ate them with sour creme.
Yesterday my sisterinlaw taught me how to make canneloni from scratch
So I made the rectangles required and then the ricotta spinach with mozzarella filling
I rolled the filling into the the rectangles and covered them with a tomato sauce , also made from scratch to bake
They turned out delicious and I think she is right. Once you do it this way
you will never go back to store bought lazagna or cannelloni noodles. or even egg noodles.
Home made is the best .
The evening ended with Jesus in the Best Story Ever told Part one.
on the vision channel .
You have to admit, whether you believe or not, it is the best story ever told.
Its a part of history which tells of how man was inhuman to man and why
a person such as Jesus was needed to bring hope to the forlorn.
He made people feel they didn't have to feel bad not having anything and that the world,
the planet provided everything man needs
If you go into nature, you find these words to be true.
You can make shoes out of tree bark, clothing out of animal leather and skins.
you can find roots, berries, fish, fruit, medicine.
Everything is provided for you and yet man kind is not happy and mass produces food and people over pay to eat chemicals rather than fresh from the ground.
I made the sandwiches for my husband to take to work and prepared the coffee pot to just be turned on in the morning, so I guess my day is done.
Good Night and sleep tight and watch out for them bed bugs lol
Easter Chicks Go Wild
What cute little chicks I remember we could buy them this way.
Ours used to grow all summer and fed very well until winter when they became dinner.
My parents never told me when they did the deed because they knew I wouldn't eat them.
But otherwise I never knew and it made no difference.
This is the time of year to take out your Christmas trees and decorate them with your favorite eggs.
One family in Germany, filled their whole back yard tree full of eggs. It was gorgeous!!! The work involved was tremendous.
Then the job of taking everything down is another story but it made for a good copy right picture so I couldn't put it on my blog.
The idea is simple enough though with Christmas trees because all you do is change the decorations and the tree can have its own nook in the house and keep celebration in your hearts.
I did this in Singapore but in Canada with people fighting over holidays, it kinda spoils the mood. You wouldn;t want to OFFEND someone. lol
Well chicks are still fun so I hope you enjoy the clip :)
The Canucks were slaughtered yesterday 7-2 in Chicago. But I hope they bring the game and business back home to Vancouver so people can enjoy a victory.
There's no place like home!!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Lifes' Too Good not to Share.
This was too good to pass up.
I have never seen a ticklish Penguin Nor even knew a Penguin could be so ticklish.
And what a nice little pet it would make lol
Such a cutie pie.
so to add to it here is another video with penguin jokes to enjoy lol
Ruf and Tufn It.
This little guy is showing us how great this beds linen is to take on the roughest treatment .
I love goats. But then I love all animals. lol
The Canucks ruf and tuffed it out this week end to a three two win. Their third.
The Hawks will really have to win the next game if it's to be a 7 game match.
As always it was an exciting game to watch. Looks like Torres is looking at another suspension for hitting someone on the head.
People are saying he's become a dangerous player and a Canuck liability.
After the game we watched Sex and the City 2.
It was enjoyable although the thought did cross my mind that these women were very light and air headed at their age to worry about the things they worried about and doing the things they did. I loved their outfits and thought boy would I love to wear them in my house but I can't see myself washing dishes and floors and doing crafts while being dressed up for an evening out, all day.It was nice to see what was UNDER those burkas. Now the husbands are going to really undress their wives which defeats the purpose of the burkas. Women dress up to entertain each other rather than their men. lol
To keep one's hair alone fixed properly, takes all day at the hairdresser. But I guess we can all dream can't we? However with nothing to do but play, they showed how people can get into trouble and live disturbed lives. However I did learn that yams and humous are good for older women who require more estrogen. Maybe making face masks out of these products would keep us looking young. lol
The trip to Abu Dhabi and staying at a 22,000 dollar a night hotel, when the servants can't afford money enough to visit their families in India for three months seemed a bit extravagant. Why would anyone want to stay at a hotel for that price when you could afford a house of your own with servants for 22,000k a night.One week's stay can pay for most people's mortgages.
Are they kiddin me? Dubai their sister city, is 10k a night. 1/2 price.
I guess that's for poorer people like Di Nero and his family lol (not)
These Arabs truly live in la la land. lol
Happy Monday !!!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Perfect World of Wonder

Can you imagine living in the sky or under water or on top of a mountain or tree?
What a life it would be!
No wonder the gods found places to live from where they could see far and wide.
and know ahead of time what was coming their way.
They had an unfair advantage over mankind which earned them respect and honor and fear.
But it is not easy to be a god, for it is not just knowledge and power which makes them who they are but their ability to also make wise and just judgement decisions.
Their ability to see the consequences of their decisions in how they will affect the future.
Todays laws do not care about the consequences of judgement decisions.
They do not care if they set a man free to continue to do damage unto himself and/or others.
They do not care to reeducate a person so he can see the light and become a better human being.
We strive towards perfection and it is taught us that perfection is unobtainable.
It is taught us perfection causes more harm than good because then we cannot relate to an imperfect society consisting of imperfect people.
And yet when it comes to disease and cures, we seek perfection in order to survive because survival is our utmost desire in life.
People want to live and to love and to see and feel and touch and yes, even to suffer in order to be able to have those things.
Unobtainable things, because we reject perfection.
It takes a perfect man to develop perfection.
It takes order and discipline and intelligence to arrive at good sound judgement decisions.
It takes a person with a vision for the future to develop the ideas today.
And who among us is intelligent and perfect enough to take on this huge responsibility?
Many step up to try.
We have leaders who want to lead and are paid good salaries to do so but the people continue to suffer because perfection is lacking in decision making principles.
Much can be said for and against perfection but one thing for sure, immortality
requires perfection, vision, and sound judgement decision .
Since man is imperfect,
no man on earth is immortal
and so we look up into the sky,
searching for the immortal eye of God, while living in a
Perfect World of Wonder.
Happy Sunday Everyone!!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Love or Friendship?
One never knows when friendship develops and it never does when you look for it.
It just arrives naturally as if it was always supposed to be there.
People show up for no reason to help you and you happen to be right there, when help is needed.
A smile, a wink, a tender arm around a shoulder, a joke when one was needed most creates joy to replace fear and heart ache.
And this is what society consists of, a bunch of people, sometimes migratory aliens,who need to be just where they are at a particular moment in time and then they move on, as we all move on, as our lives move on.
Life imprints itself into our hearts and minds and we wonder what became of the people who entered it?
Will we meet again?
What is written in the stars about this deja vu in life?
And even without knowing it, we carry love in our hearts because of these random acts of kindnesses shown to us by people we least expect and because of this, we become better people ourselves.
Happy Saturday Everyone. :)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Canucks vs Black Hawks
Wow! Another excellent game between the Chicago Black Hawks and the Vancouver Canucks
After the two teams began to slow down second inning and their goalie certainly looking demoralized, the Hawks began to score goals third inning.
They came on pretty strong and this ,after keeping their stronger players on full time, not giving them any time to rest.
The Hawks put on a great show and we are thanking our lucky stars to win 4-3 and not having to go into overtime.
As predicted, tensions will remain high between these two teams and their fans as they continue to battle between themselves for first place.
These first two wins for the Canucks give them a small advantage but it is clear that the Black Hawks are not a team to be underestimated.
They will continue to keep us more than entertained cause
it ain't over till it's over, as they say.
We will go to sleep tonight happy with our Canuck win but
these games are not for the faint of heart.
You Can Make the Cut/ I am Enough
This is a very interesting way to sharpen things.
I tried it on my scissors and it worked as well.
Instead of looking for a sharpener, cups are pretty handy around the house.
The Laws of Football
At one point during a football (soccer) match in America, the coach said to one of his young players, 'Do you understand what cooperation is? What a team is?' The little boy nodded in the affirmative. ' Do you understand that what matters is how we play together as a team?' The little boy nodded yes.
'So, 'the coach continued, 'When offside is given, or a foul is not seen, you don't argue or swear or attack the referee. Do you understand all that?' Again the little boy nodded.
'Good, 'said the coach, 'Now go over there and explain it to your mother.'
-----------------------The most romantic first line and the most unromantic second line.
On Valentine's day, some entries for a competition to find a couplet with the most romantic first line and most unroman
I thought that I could love no other
Until, that is, I met your brother
I want to feel your sweet embrace
But don't take that paper bag off of your face
My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:
Marrying you screwed up my life
My love, you take my breath away
What have you stepped in to smell this way?
I see your face when I am dreaming
That's why I always wake up screaming.
Brene Brown
This is a very interesting book. Talks about shame and guilt.
The importance to believe I'm enough.
This is who I am.
Shame leads to drugs, violence, dropping out of school suicide etc....
Guilt leads to the opposite of the above.
It tells you to accept yourself for who you are. Stop trying to fit in.
When you have a sense of belonging, it doesn't require fitting in.
Blame and shame is toxic to love.
ex. Men fear falling off the horse ex losing a job, going bankrupt. unable to provide for the family. Feel unworthy. Feel shame. Don't want to be seen vulnerable unworthy, not being enough for another person.
This applies to parenting and jobs and everything that you are involved with.
Love is not about giving or getting.
Its showing the most vulnerable part of you to be seen and still be nurtured and honored with trust and affection, to be seen as good enough anyway.
Love means to belong to something. Love is cognitively hard wired into you and you require it to belong and if you are refused it then you suffer. Many people suffer because they look to fit in rather than belong.
If you make two lists, one where you list what made you joyful and another list of wants and desires.,
the joyful list which includes gratitude, time you give to loved ones,outdoor activities, etc.. is more important than the guest room that's never used anyway or working 24 hours a day which alienates you from your family.
Authenticity requires courage to be imperfect while trying to be your best selves. You also need boundaries. Choose discomfort over resentment.
Can you teach a class tomorrow? mmm yes
You choose between resentment and discomfort.
You set yourself a boundary.
Will choosing cause resentment or discomfort?
Well, teaching I love, so I will not resent doing it.
It might cause discomfort because I am going out of my way to please someone
or Will take more time to prepare a lecture.
Perfection is a way to protect ourselves to avoid shame blame and imperfection.
Perfection is a Shield we carry not to get hurt.
EX: How do you criticize me as a parent if I am perfect ?
EX: How do you criticize my house when it's perfect?
Stepping away from perfection does not make you a lazy person.
Its letting go of the small things which will make a difference
Difference between shame and guilt:
Shame example I am a mistake
Guilt example I made a mistake
Dr. Brown says everyone has shame and those people who don't, delve into the psychotic
You can't shut down emotion to stop vulnerability
cause then you shut down love, joy, happiness etc.....
It's a lot of great food for thought. I really like this lady.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Vancouver Canucks....
The First Stanley Cup Game of many to come .
Well it was a big night for the Canucks against their nemesis, The Chicago Black Hawks, in their first game of the play offs.
With one of our Canuck guys missing, because of a damaged eye, it was a tough
haul indeed.
The fans were all excited and impatiently waiting for the outcome, as two fearsome
teams, enemies, by nature, ( Native Indian Hawks vs Orca's crashing out from under the ice in the form of a letter C probably standing for Canada.) got ready to show, who is the better man.
Needless to say our knuckles were white from anticipation and many finger nails were being chewed down to the bone, before this game was over.
And a battle it was till the very end. The Hawks gave up their goalie to a free net , got a power play and then lost their own player to a penalty, while the Canucks continued to pound and pound them regardless, with 4 men in.
The Canucks came to win and win they did with a 2-0 shut out.
The cheers were over whelming as we have the best fans in the world following our guys, pushing them forward, to put Vancouver on the map, as having the best Hockey
Team ever.!!
We got the bug Canada. :)
Go Canucks Go!!!
May the wind be at your back helping you along.
A Very Happy Lady's Life.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
July 1st 2011 Let the World Sing
OK I am game.
This is a wonderful tune Jenny proposed and we should make a date
with the world to play it and or sing it,
July 1st.2011 12:00 noon pacific time.
Embed this song from you tube, into your face books
twitters blogs and emails
and pass it on to your friends around the world, so everyone is on the same page.
Then lets send out a message an echo will carry out into the universe
as a symbol of who and what we are and meant to be,
A Human Race, full of Hope and Love and Promise.
Wow! This can be an awful lot of fun.
Thanks Jenny:)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sending A Message Into the Beyond.
Our world is a vibrant, living, entity, providing endless breathtaking beauty to nourish ones' soul.
Wouldn't it be nice to send a message out into the universe, by having the whole world playing one beautiful melody so the heavens can see and hear how much we love and are loved by the people who create, adding, to what God has already put together for mankind, in his peaceful splendor.
A melody transgressing words, sending a message to soothe the beast and make him want more of what God has to offer, never ending, unconditional , love, un afraid to unfold itself and bare its' soul to all who care to see.
Grab hold of the melody, absorb it, feel it and let it grow in peace.
Serenade Love
How do you express your love to those who matter to you.
This week end it was expressed through cooking of meals my family loves and
preparing for the weeks lunches and midnight snacks.
It was a time for family to unite in getting some spring cleaning done by taking
wood cuttings to the dump, pulling off of rugs and getting the house ready for the big paint job to soon be done.
It was the time to do the wash and to listen to some beautiful music to soothe the soul.
It was a time trying to finish a project I started but couldn't find the right thread color after running out, so it took a bit of undoing the sweater so as to make the new thread look like it belonged there.
It was a time when we had to coax the old dog outside and force his back legs to walk so he could do his business. Old dogs are like old people, no trouble at all except at toilet time lol
It was a time when we had to keep chasing those coons away trying to make them feel very unwelcome in places they do not belong and yet this is their home and territory we trespass on.
Trying to find balance in life is not as easy as one may think, for man, is a predator with less heart than say a bear could show someone he comes across in the woods.
It was a time to take a moment to say a prayer for those in distress around the world and hope things soon get better for them.
Today is a new day to serenade and to fall in love with this beautiful planet of ours which continues to give and give in spite of all the abuse we inflict upon her, and what better way to begin it, than with Schubert.
Have a good one :)
Friday, April 8, 2011
On Love
November 2, 1856
I already love in you your beauty, but I am only beginning to love in you that which is eternal and ever precious - your heart, your soul. Beauty one could get to know and fall in love with in one hour and cease to love it as speedily; but the soul one must learn to know. Believe me, nothing on earth is given without labour, even love, the most beautiful and natural of feelings. Count Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer, to Valeria Arsenev, his fiance.
This is a very nice story to read
Thursday, April 7, 2011
We all want a tolerant and free society to live in and yet with so many political problems world wide, we wonder if tolerance will ever be a word of the past instead of one that lurks and confronts us every day.
Let's face it. People are easily offended. We are separated by religions, ethnic groups, cultures, traditions, languages,values, jobs, education levels, genetic incapacities, politics etc....
The only thing we do have in common is that mankind suffers.
We suffer because of our feelings, resulting from all of the above differences.
To all this, we can add
love, hate, emotional and physical pain, stress which leads into automatic, stereotyped judging of people, before we even know them.
For example: We have the gay issue. We are asked if we are pro gay people.
Personally I have nothing for or against them.
Those who I have met I mostly like but like all people, we all have our inbuilt preferences, which has nothing to do with being gay or not gay.
Do I approve of gay marriage? In and of itself , I have nothing against it.
Do I approve gay marriage in church? No. Because you join an institution for the beliefs that it has and because we live in a free society, no one has the power to go inside this institution and force it to go against the established principles and beliefs which made it what it is.
Like most organizations, they disappear on their own once they become outdated.
For something to exist, means there have to be people who believe in it.
So if the gay issue demands respect they also require to show respect towards institutions
which demand certain beliefs and behavior.
To strong arm it into changing the beliefs, changes the organization into a farce and turns it into a circus show instead of the serious entity it was meant to be. It thus destroys the holy concept of marriage and defeats the purpose of why gay people want to marry in church to begin with. If gay people can attack a church and its principles on the grounds of intolerance the same could be said of gay people being intolerant to the beliefs of a church. So things cancel out in free societies.
This I believe also applies to muslim institutions today in general, excepting for the fact, they are in the midst of warring between themselves and the world, using terror.
Do I believe gay people should have children?
Well if it is their own children, then it goes without saying but I believe that once you become an adult, you have a responsibility towards new born innocence.
People have grades in life to pass as well as grades in school, to develop them into mature, self reliant, responsible, accountable adults.
If you skip certain portions of growth or if certain portions are intercepted, you end up missing a part of the whole person you are meant to be and therefore lost and needing to find yourself. Children were designed by nature, to generally be brought up with a male and female union.
The argument is that families can be different and this I agree with totally except that before, children grew up with friends, aunties, uncles, etc... but not a Daddy who is a Mommy and a Mommy who is a Daddy. These roles can't be changed and if they are changed, it presents the child to grow up with a lie . Children have enough confusing issues to deal with growing up without adding this to it.
So here, with the gay issue, we find intolerance from the gay and the straight side but it doesn't mean the gay and straight people reject each others way and means of being.
By rejecting certain people, we only hurt ourselves.
We hurt the development of our own personal growth and brain power. No one learns anything if doors are shut, and life becomes stifled, boring and dull.
We end up developing hate to anything and everything that's different from our comfort zone.This then leads into issues found in warring societies where trust and good decision making, seem to be lacking.
The thing about knowledge, understanding and difference, is that regardless of our beliefs, things always have a 50 - 50% chance of either working out or failing, for many reasons other than the obvious. There are things we can have control over and things we can't. lol
Understanding people and where they are coming from, is already half the battle won and then being understood yourself, is the other half. lol
Each one of us carries both halves.
Finding yourself accepting the 50-50% chances of thinking, seems to make the day go by rather pleasantly because there are no high expectations and therefore fewer disappointments.
In the end we have to consider that our purpose in life is survival. Everyone and everything wants to live and survive.
When faced with instances of global catastrophes, issues of tolerance vs intolerance fade away
and survival comes to the forefront.
If we began to think in terms of survival, as opposed to social differences between people, we would
have fewer problems in this world.:)
Guess what?
TGIF people! :)
Chaos! Frenzy! What of It?
333 nina salerosa This is an amazing end.
How the world works lately...
You know they say you can make a profit from chaos. People are being taught to be disruptive and chaotic but businesses and banks are very organized They know exactly what they are doing.They make money and people lose money
A Moron should understand that living in chaos, leads to bad things.
If a man cuts his finger off while
Slicing salami at work,
He blames the restaurant.
If you smoke three packs a day
For 40 years and die of lung cancer,
Your family blames the
Tobacco company.
If your neighbor crashes
Into a tree while driving home drunk,
He blames the bartender.
If your grandchildren are
Brats without manners,
You blame television.
If your friend is shot by a
Deranged madman,
You blame the gun manufacturer..
And if a crazed person breaks
Into the cockpit and
Tries to kill the pilot at 35,000 feet,
And the passengers
Kill him instead,
The mother of the crazed deceased
Blames the airline.
I must have lived too long to
Understand the world
As it is anymore.
So, if I die while my OLD WRINKLED BODY
is parked in front of this computer,
I want all of you to
Blame Bill Gates .
Have a nice day!:)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Cape Crew
Now I have two sets done.
One set that's knitted and one set that is crocheted.
The hat for the crochet cape took one hour to make. It was soo easy and it's soo cute with shell designs.
They both have matching crochet flowers to go with them.
The knitted set is much warmer since the holes are smaller.
Its supposed to be good for up to 4 year olds.
I still have thread left over from the big roll to make another hat if I want to but I think I have done enough lol
My son is upset cause he says I make things no one wears so he wants a cape.
I told him I only have pink thread and he said he didn't care. He will wear it. lol
I find ponchos or capes extremely comfortable for weather that requires layering.
BC has that type of climate. You can wear a jacket and slip it over and the warmth is amazing.
And if it's raining well , a cape is good because it will take a while to soak through.
Well when my son has a daughter some day, She will have her Grammas stuff to wear. By then I will probably not be in any condition to do these things, knowing him.....if he gets any children that is. One never knows what lies ahead in life.
In the mean time, from Lions brand, I found a very nice mens' cape pattern but I need the longer circular needles for it because it has a lot of stitching on it. Its easier to make things for little ones because the work is done quicker and it costs less and I already had the needles. I used six of them to make the seamless circle.
I will have to rummage through the colors I have and see if I can design something for him.
It will NOT be pink lol
Today I have curry chicken marinated overnightfor supper and this morning I put lamb to marinate in curry overnight for tomorrow, with yogurt and garlic.
Curry is supposed to be good for you.
We used to eat such good curry lamb at this restaurant and I have yet to find out how they did it.
It was so popular that they would always run out. Then they changed the chef and we could not get it for a while.
Once we asked if they had it and they said yes but when we received it, it looked funny. We analyzed the meat and saw that they collected leftovers from other peoples plates and gave it to us to eat. lol
That's just as bad as the meat glue they put into meat today.
Needless to say, we never went back.
Today people get sick and no one knows why.
Well, here are two possible reasons.
Have a great Thursday every one.
These little buggers were chased up a tree this morning by my dog who barked inside the house. lol
One fell down and ran away but two are still up there.
I put my dog outside so they stay up there.
We cut down our hedges next to the house but they climb the house to get up to the roof.Bears can do this as well if you have wood around your home. Their claws just dig in.
They are unbelievably smart.You fix eves they pull them apart and then run around till they break them and fall through. Then they climb back up.
So far I caught six and took them far away over the bridge, where I hope they will not find their way back but we get more and more.
They are persistent and do not take no for an answer.
Now they know the cage and will not go inside for food . I guess they saw their friends getting caught.
The young ones are rather friendly if you let them be but the older ones can be very big and ferocious.
Not very welcome guests.
Have a good Hump Day Wednesday.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Learning Is A Days Work.

Our family loves Indian food and especially the decorations each restaurant puts up inside.
Some of them could be quite elaborate.
We ventured to try out this one place Dhak Shin Restaurant. The food tasted wonderful but the service was very slow and they forgot to bring the soup. It's as if they had a menu but the cook had to cook from scratch and each dish took a long time to make. lol
Maybe it's a new place and they need to get the hang of it, so I will not discredit them yet.
They had these little plastic elephants all over the place and I couldn't figure out what they represented. I know at each Hindu festival they decorate the elephant in all colors and they have them in their temples as a gods.I learned that their role is crucial.
In India, animals are impetuses for growth, conduits of unity and love, and symbols of Indian culture. They include hyenas, wasps, elephants, which creates an immense diversity of India itself.
The elephant god is known as Ganesha. He has a human body and an elephants head.
As a Supreme Being, he removes obstacles and ensures success in human endeavors,
And realizes reality which makes him lord of all beings.
He is the first son of lord Shiva and Shiva represents Supreme Reality.
In Mythology they have a number of stories as to how an elephants' head got onto a human body.
Lord Shiva used to come into Parvatis' chambers anytime he wished. She did not like it even if she was his consort. Thus Ganesha was born from the scurf (Scaly or shredded dry skin, such as dandruff.) of her body and water from the Ganges. So Ganesha had two Moms, Parvati and Ganga.
Ganesha was ordered to keep everyone out when Parvati was bathing. When lord Shiva came and was refused entry he beheaded Ganesha. Parvati became so upset she asked Goddess Durga and Godess Kali to destroy everything and everyone and demanded Ganesha be brought back to life. LOrd Shiva promised he would but could not find the boys head so he asked his hordes to find a head of the first living being who was sleeping with his head facing north which is associated with wisdom.
Aravatm Indras' Elephant was sleeping facing north, so they beheaded him and brought the head to the boys body and Lord Brahma brought him back to life.
Parvati asked that he should be invincible, the giver of victory and God of wisdom. The person who worships him should gain success and property. She also wanted that no one be permitted into heaven, before pleasing him and compulsory to first invoke him before any other deity. These were all granted to Lord Ganesha, by the triumvirate of Gods, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva before she ceased her rage.
In A Passage to India, elephants are a symbol of India itself. Mrs. Moore, an English traveler in India, and her young companion Adela Quested, see elephants so often in India that they think they are cliché and not representative of the "real" India. The characters visit a local sightseeing spot, the Marabar Caves, and enjoy an elephant ride that proves to be a majestic, spiritual experience. Forster writes, "As the elephant moved towards the hills, a new quality occurred, a spiritual silence which invaded more senses than the ear" (Forster 155).
Elephants were also used by Kings in war and kept for magic. They are a powerful symbol in the Maithil culture . Women paint pregnant elephants for good luck and fertility in marriage
Animals are very sacred in India and as intelligent people, we can understand why.
Balance would be destroyed without them.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Runner Up For Delta Men's Soccer
What do you call a Spanish goalkeeper without any legs? Gracias (grassy ass)
A soccer goalkeeper was walking along the street one day when he heard screams from a nearby building. He looked up to see smoke billowing from a fourth-floor window and a woman leaning out holding a baby."Help ! Help!" screamed the woman, "I need someone to catch my baby!"
A crowd of onlookers had gathered, but none was confident about catching a baby dropped from such a great height. then the goalkeeper, stepped forward. "I'm a professional goalkeeper," he called to the woman. "I'm renonwned for my safe hands. Drop the baby and I will catch it. For me, it will be just like catching a ball."
The woman agreed:"Ok, then. When I drop my baby, treat it as if you were catching a ball."
On a count of three, the woman dropped the baby. Everyone held their breath as the goalkeeper lined himself up to catch it. There was a huge sigh of relief, followed by wild cheering as the goalkeeper caught the baby safely in his arms. Then he bounced it twice on the ground and kicked it 50 yards down the street.
Hours after the end of the world, a border dispute emerged between heaven and hell. God invited the devil for conversations to find a way to resolve this dispute quickly. Satan, the devil, proposed a soccer game between heaven and earth.
God, always fair, told the devil, 'The heat must be affecting your brain, the game would be so one sided, don't you know all the "good" players go to heaven?"
The devil, smiling, responded "Yeah, but we've got all the refs'..."
Saturday, April 2, 2011
I Had A Dream
I had a dream.
It was full of peace joy and contentment.
I woke refreshed with a clean mind , heart and soul.
I was alive with a great will to live.
What was my dream??
A world free of banks, politicians, dictators, reporters, real estate agents, scientists, lawyers and judges.
A world free of corrupt systems bleeding away peoples' lives.
A world of people who did the right thing just because they understood
what the right thing to do was.
A free world where man could live with dignity honor and who respected and honored
others as we all walked through the spirit of this thing called the journey of life.
A world where cruelty was not in Gods' vocabulary.
Man......what a good and free world it was in my dream.
But alas .
It was just a dream ere dreams are an escape to reality.
It must be what heaven was like before the serpent put greed and corruption
into mens' hearts and minds.
If heaven is just a dream, then may we all dream on.
Joy of Saturday
Deep In the back woods, a hillbilly's wife went into labor in the middle of the night, and the doctor was called out to assist in the delivery. Since there was no electricity, the doctor handed the father-to-be a lantern and said, "Here. You hold this high so I can see what I am
doing." Soon, a baby boy was brought into the world.
Whoa there, said the doctor, "Don't be in such a rush to put that lantern down. I think there's another one coming." Sure enough, within minutes he had delivered a baby girl. "Hold that lantern up, don't set it down there's another one!" said the doctor.
Within a few minutes he had delivered a third baby.
"No, don't be in a hurry to put down that lantern, it seems there's yet another one coming!" cried the doctor.
The redneck scratched his head in bewilderment, and asked the doctor, "You reckon it might be the light that's attractin' 'em?
Hearing a scream from the playroom, the mother rushed in and found her infant son pulling the hair of his four-year-old sister. After separating them, the mother said to her daughter, "Don't be upset with your brother, honey. He didn't know he was hurting you." No sooner had the mother returned to he chores than she heard more screaming. This time she rushed in and found the baby crying. "Now what happened?" she asked. "Nothing," said the girl, "except that now he knows."
A young Redneck woman brought her child into Children's Hospital for a routine check-up. On the records, the nurse saw that the child's first name was Urine. Not wanting to be rude, but wanting to know why this woman would name her child this, the nurse asked her how Urine got her name. The woman explained, "Well, my baby was born premature and had to stay in the special nursery. She was real sick and they didn't know if she would make it. I couldn't decide what to name her, but the nurses said they would pray for her."
One day I came in and the nurses had already named her. There was this paper on her incubator that said "Please save Urine", so I knew that they had named my baby."
Ok . I know. lol
Friday, April 1, 2011
Life's Like That
The Story below sounds interesting.
"Once I was cooking some corn and stuck my fork in the boiling
water to see if the corn was ready. I missed and my hand went
into the boiling water....
A friend of mine, who was a Vietnam vet, came into the house, just
as I was screaming, and asked me if I had some plain old flour...I
pulled out a bag and he stuck my hand in it. He said to keep my hand
in the flour for 10 mins. which I did. He said that in Vietnam , this guy
was on fire and in their panic, they threw a bag of flour all over him to
put the fire out...well, it not only put the flour out, but he never even had
a blister!!!!
SOOOO, long story short, I put my hand in the bag of flour for 10 mins,
pulled it out and had not even a red mark or a blister and absolutely NO
PAIN. Now, I keep a bag of flour in the fridge and every time I burn myself,
I use the flour and never ONCE have I ever had a red spot, a burn or a blister!
*cold flour feels even better than room temperature flour.
Miracle, if you ask me. Keep a bag of white flour in your fridge and you will be
happy you did. I even burnt my tongue and put the flour on it for about 10 mins.
and the pain was gone and no burn. Try it! BTW, don't run your burn area under
Cold water first, just put it right into the flour for 10 mins and experience a miracle"
Does it work???
Next time I get oil on me, I will try it out.
Snopes says it doesn't work lol
Handy Man or Husband.
Husbands For Sale
Anne put an advertisement in the 'classifieds' : Husband Wanted.
Next day Anne received hundreds of letters. They all said the same thing : You can have mine.
If Wishes were Fishes
Toby and Andrea came upon a wishing well.
Andrea, with great alacrity, leaned over, took a deep breath, made a wish and threw in a penny.
Toby also decided to make a wish, but he leaned over too far, fell into the well, and drowned.
Andrea was stunned for a moment but then smiled, 'It really works!'
Need a Room Painted?
If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound boy wearing Batman underwear and a superman cape. It is strong enough however to spread paint on all four walls of 20 by 20 foot room.
Need a House Cleaned???
A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. foot house 4 inches deep.
Stupid is as Stupid Does.
A policeman pulls a man over for speeding and asks him to get out of the car. After looking the man over he says:
- Sir, I couldn't help but notice your eyes are bloodshot. Have you been drinking?
The man gets really indignant and says:
- Officer, I couldn't help but notice your eyes are glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?
Now has the world stopped spinning?
Nope. At least this should give people hope that there is a future to look forward to.
The world is a mess. Scalding Hot as are many peoples lives.
Have a good April Fools Day!!!! one everyone.