WORDLESS WEDNESDAY - Brussels Royal Palace
Once a year since 1965 the Royal Palace in Brussels is open to the public
after the National Holiday on 21 July until end September. There is no
8 hours ago
always been a huge fan of Dr Zhivago. Too bad the younger people today are not into such things. I keep telling my son to stop listening to rap, pick up his pants and get a job. hes 25 now! hahaha slow learner
lol Same o same o lol
Why do you think I am doing this?
My son is editing hahahahaha.
Thanks Glad we're on the same page. :)
oh yeah we are on the same page.
if they arent listening to rap their watching it on TV! When they should be studying or working. haha but what can you do. Some never learn! haha :) great post.
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