Finacial Management is a great responsibility.
At school one student was asked what the difference was between a
plan and a budget.
His reply: A plan is what we want to do
and a budget is why we can't.
Countries who learn this are kept free. Countries who don't
know this are bought and sold and the people have no
choice in the matter.
Time is a river.. and books are boats
many volumes start down that stream,
only to be wrecked and lost beyond recall
in its sands.
Only a few, a very few, endure the testings
of time and live to bless the ages following.
Because you're mine,. I walk the line.
This is love for sure.
I have gotten into doing cross word puzzles.
They are always beside the horoscope in our paper lol
I still like to read the horoscope.
I tried my hand at sudoku and I have to say I am awful at it
Everything works until the end. lol
I never played solitary either.
I remember a boy sat me down to play chess.
I was about 5.
I had no idea how to play and as a result I never liked it.
But checkers.... now you are
My Dad would want to play games with me and my Mom.
He hated to lose and when I lost, he would sit gloating.
He'd keep saying things like, oh look shee's upset. Oh look what a sore loser..
The fact of the matter was, that I never cared to win or to lose.
I played to make him happy. lol
But I would lose my good will nature when he would begin the incessant
teasing about how I felt about losing.
It almost made me not want to play games with him but if I didn't, he
would probably have teased about that too.
I would console myself by thinking that maybe this was how he felt when he lost.
He was a lot more competitive than I ever was.
I was always happy when people were happy, win or lose.
He just didn't understand that.
A brain I will never be lol
But I will always be a student because of my thirst for knowledge.
Before it was about shopping for things and today, it is about shopping for
food bargains. Most people are complaining about the food
I keep saying ... keep it local.... but the government is right and
the people are wrong.
Even the stores are saying that it's scary.
They buy at higher prices and if the people dont buy ie asparagass
at $ 7.00 a bunch, it rots and they lose money.
Smart is the guy who buys local.
Smart are the towns that do green house grow ops. or hydrophonic gardens.
People always need food.
Bowie passed away today. More and more actors and singers
are leaving us at a very early age.
The weather this morning was brisk and icy but then it warmed up into rain.
On the whole it was pretty dull the whole day.
The morning sky was pale blue at the bottom of the horizon, turning into mauve with
clouds edging in pink from the sun above. It was unbelievably beautiful .
I don't think I've ever seen a sky so striking.
It didn't last.
We managed to get to the farmers market.
I got two huge cucumbers (over one foot long) for 1.50 each
Most of the veggies were cheaper so I got the broccoli,lettuce tomatoes, ginger , spinach
and eggplant . Zuccinis for some reason were still expensive.
The olive oil was cheaper too but hubby said we'll come back.
We need mazola lol It was not cheap. lol
It's a lot more fun to shop at farmers markets.
You never know what you will find there.
The tomatoes were expensive at the Superstore and worse.... rotten.
One wonders how they could charge so much for rotten vegetables.
I got out one of my paintings to finish.
As I was looking at it from afar, things started to click in place as to how to finish it
but now it's up close, and the visual perspective from yesterday declined.
It's always good to step back when painting something.
Today I remembered my childhood. My Mom put me to bed at six ever night and I spent the rest of the evening pestering her for food and water and pee time. lol
Disney land came on TV at 6 so when I saw that, I would beg her to stay up and watch it.
She would relent saying ok Just Disneyland and then to bed you go.
Maybe this is why I hate sleeping. I always wish it was day and day and day.
What a treat it was to watch Disneyland and Mr Disney was such a special man to me.
Today our throw away society doesn't appreciate 3/4's of what's out there.
Something breaks, get a new one.
When you learn not to treasure your belongings, you obtain bad habits which then
affects friendships, families, pets, marriages, education.....not to mention a dump full of things which
could have been recycled and reused.
People don't want used today but used carries with it an air of mystery to discover.
Who owned it? How was it used? What spiritual imprint was left on the object.
What era did it come from?
Take amber for instance. Amber was very much valued by my Grand mother.
Today we see amber and much of it is fake. Even the real ones may not be the ones
from resin trees that are supposed to be over 1000 years old.
They even put insects into it to get more value
Real amber does not melt. It burns. But they drill holes and put in insects or scorpions etc...
and then fill in the holes with some plastic filler.
So now, even if you want to buy it, it somehow loses it's mystery knowing how people try to cheat you.
Living a so called solitary life, whereby one really stands out as an individual,
being all about oneself, can be a lonely existence and experience.
Eventually one tires of it and looks to connect with another soul.
Lucky are those who can find a soul mate, willing to stand by you through
thick and thin.
Very special indeed.
Some people sold their Alf at the Flea Market but I still have mine. lol
It was my sons and I am keeping it for him.
It is a way to not forget the past when we enjoyed him on tv.
He comes out at Christmas along with all the other toys and train set
keeping up with tradition.
I hope one day when I am gone my kids will bring out these toys and
put them around the tree to enjoy the nostalgia of Christmas past.
It is very chilly this morning as I took the dogs out.
My son was already vacuuming his
This is inspirational.
Today was a beautiful spring day.
People have taken down all the lights while mine are still on.
They were put up late so I am trying to make the best of them.
Some houses are still lit up and the tree is in the front window .
The 6th is our Christmas., Hay under the table to represent the manger
Wheat to represent the abundance of Christ coming
Linen Table cloth to represent Jesus' clothing
12 course meal to represent the 12 apostles. : barley, honey, stewed prunes, pierogi, sauerkraut,
potatoes, lima beans, garlic, Lenten bread, mushroom soup and salt.
All to remind people life is both bitter and sweet/ Life is everyday a work in progress.
A candle represents the star in Bethlehem.
An extra setting is always set ( do it all the time) for Jesus in spirit or as a traveller.
Honey is crossed over our forehead : May we love one another as a bee loves honey
A cup of wine is passed around
Uniting faith and love bread is broken and dipped in honey to eat.
Garlic is cracked between the teeth is eaten to ward us from evil
Food is eaten without knives or pepper as these represent argument and cutting relationships.
candle is blown out gently. If the smoke rises straight up it means a
blessing for the year.
I love tradition. Makes celebrating special.
The crock pot soup in my kitchen is delicious and soothes the spirit
otherwise disturbed by world events.
The Kennel Club accepted two new dog breeds . One is a hairless
terrier. I like it. It looks like a naked Miniature Dalmation Pincher. lol
The other is like an Grayhound. A very docile sporty looking dog.
If I was in a dog buying mood I would definitely look at these new breeds.
The terrier looks very smart and can be taught well. I wish I was younger
to play with them but alas the small dogs I have now,
are wonderful dogs for me.
I tried sweeping leaves outside but it was a fruitless attempt everything
being wet and dirty.
My acorns opened up like the day which slowly ebbed into nightfall.
Days , like life and the spirit , are regenerated
Very true.
Worth watching 1 2 and 3 as well.
We should all awaken and live with our third eye.
I love pine cones.
Whenever I take the dogs out, I always find one or two
that have fallen from the tree.
So I pick them up and dry them out inside the house.
Some have seeds which I plant and others do not being
already eaten by the so many birds and squirrels we have here.
We don't know the symbol of the pine cone and it is found
in basically all religions symbolizing regeneration.
A pine cone is a sign that Jesus will always regenerate
and this means he is always with us.
What a nice frosty day!
We went shopping and the store was full.
No eggs and many shelves were empty.
The food is not cheap either.
One cucumber 1.98
4 peppers almost 4 dollars
I read up on why people should go vegan. lol
People can't afford to go vegan lol
A small container of cherry tomatoes 5.98
oranges and apples 6.98 ea
On the other hand all the grain the cows eat, can feed
most of the poor countries.
I got chicken livers for my pups as well as tuna salmon
chicken dog food
They make so many varieties today but I still believe
its best to feed dogs what people eat.
Now a nice cup of hot tea soup and rest.
Europe was quiet this year but Vancouver put on a huge fireworks display.
The first in 10 years.
We are always the last to celebrate after the world finishes so we try to go to New York
and Hong Kong but this year we had our own celebration and the people were very happy.
There was a small one earlier for the kids too.
My Tanya was petrified of the fireworks She sat the whole night shaking.
Natalie Cole died This is the first person this new year.
I loved her Dad. What nice songs he sang.
Last night Jack Frost created a winter wonderland to look at.
Everything was glistening under a brisk clear sky.
We stayed up but saw no lights in the sky (aurora borealis).
I wonder who did?
The year of the monkey should prove to be interesting.
So the holidays are finally over. They go by so fast.
When I was a kid there seemed to be so much more going on in our house.
In our family every one is hardly ever home. There are no excuses to stay
home to shovel snow or school cancellations.
No excuses to look for Santa or prepare milk and cookies.
No one singing Christmas Carols on the street .
No excitement families usually have when they have small children.
None of the hustle and bustle and frills.
Times have changed and so have the people.
This morning there is the Polar Swim so people have to get up early to
freeze some butts lol
The sun is shining on the frosty trees and birds have begun to sing.
We don't see so many but they are out there.
Might be the moon cause dogs have attacked people both on the street and in homes.
It is not normal for dogs to flip out like that.
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