Friday, August 10, 2012

To Sir With Love

Growing up in the 60's were beautiful days full of romantic notions.
So much was going on.To see these videos reminds me of the mini skirts and the
bell bottoms we used to wear and the long flower skirts.
Those days seem so far away today
The Movie To Sir With Love touched me a lot in those days.
I loved Sidney Poitier, how he commanded respect as well as honor
and taught his kids right from wrong, with dignity.
In Canada, where I grew up we didn't see racism.
We kids grew up all mixed together and I still think this is the best way to grow up.
People living mixed instead of separated communities, is the best way
to develop a united society.

We grew up believing in these kind of values which promoted
love, kindness, forgiveness and pacifism.It didn't stop us from fighting
and then making friends again lol
That's just a part of life growing up.

 Of course Engelbert Humperdink and Tom Jones
made hot summers extra special, with their versions of love and passion.
We'd sit listening to their records for hours, dreaming about our futures.

They were North American heart throbs
Now, as old gals, these same songs still entertain our hearts and minds
These songs will never die.
This moment in time will be relived in future generations
just as the old clothes and shoes seem to be re invented every so often.



Ingrid said...

I was 20 in the 60th and all you say is true, except we didn't have any racial problems because there were only very few black people in Belgium. We are the first generation with a new kind of music which is still copied or listened to, even by our grandchildren !

A Lady's Life said...

gattina - isn't that great!!

♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...

I wish things were like that till now.But today is not that bad either.

Paula RC said...

Wow I miss those days,being a young teenager of the 70's but I remember seeing the film on the Tv with my mother.
Thank you for sharing your memories with us.

Akelamalu said...

I was a teenager in teh 60's and so glad I was part of that era - the music, the fashion, the revolution! :)

A Lady's Life said...

izdiher - I don't know. Maybe its getting better but my first son was raised on very bad music and then this rap.... well ... thats not music at all. lol

A Lady's Life said...

Thanks Paula

A Lady's Life said...

Akelamalu - Those were indeed special times