Through out time, relationships between men and women have been fascinating. As romance infects their blood, pulsating through their veins, love is expressed in the most endearing ways.Laughter, tears, pain and suffering are all a part of it but worth every minute if, in the end, you find true love.
That is nice and welcome back, we have been missing you.
Where you been woman? I've missed you. Great post and I loved the video :)
Another painting of yours? Its breathtaking. Loved the video and the song. I too wondered where you have been and missed having you show up. Glad to see you back :)
Hi Lady!
Glad to see you back, and with an amazing video!! Lovely...
Blogtrotter, which missed your comments for a while :-(, is leaving Iceland, but before departing it shows you the incredible Blue Lagoon. Enjoy and have a fabulous week!
Ah, Love can and does invoke all those emotions. :)
Welcome back.
I've experienced all of those emotions and would do it again for LOVE! But next time, I'm going to make sure he's a friend first!
Welcome back!
Happy Sunday
Hi Guys!
I am celebrating life, love, friends and family.
Had quite a flair being a tourist in my own stretch of the woods.
Life and living is good so enjoy while ye may. Soak it all in as a bear his honey before winter is nigh.
Thinking about you all every day and hope you are all enjoying as I am.
Luv,kisses and lots of hugs to all
I want a red dress like she is wearing.
Hi Lady! Enjoy everything, but Blogtrotter is missing your comments... ;))
Have a nice weekend in LOVE.
now now now...this is so great...it reminds me and I shall remember
Well life is for living and this summer was great!
Had lots done. Have many more plans
and well it will all stop when I die.
Wish, as always, that it was day and day and day.
Sleeping is such a waste of time, I wish we never had to.
Couldn't ask for better weather.
Felt real bad for the places with fires though.
BC had plenty as did Cali and in Europe as well I heard.
Should be getting back into the swing of things now hopefully
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