Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Little Cabwich

You know you are getting older when you pull something like this out of the closet.

I made this little gal way back when.
This was around the Cabbage Patch time when women were trying to sew dolls similar to Miss Cabbage Patch.
There were not enough to go around and people had mad fights in the store to obtain one while others bought them to resell at exhorbitant prices outside the store.
I see them today on store shelves and no one pays attention to them.

Well this was my first shot at doll making and I sewed her hair in before putting a little glue to make sure it couldn't be pulled out.

Today I am getting back into the mood to make these little girls but I would draw the face first before putting the doll together because its easier.
I called her Cabwich for Halloween because of the Cabbage Patch history and it being Halloween.
Otherwise I would have made her more like Raggedy Anne because she is really my favorite doll. I think every little girl misses out not having one Raggedy Anne.
That doll has history.
But for now I will be happy with my little gal here and she looks happy to be found.

Have a great day!


Ingrid said...

Oh, that's really very cute ! You did a very good job. With me it's just the opposite with getting older I don't care about my old things anymore. I could throw everything away with no regret. Not my cat collection of course, lol !

Carolina Elizabeth said...

I remember those!!!! My dad had seen that a neighbor had some displayed on her window with a sign that read "Make your own." So, he took me and she was kind enough to show me for free and even gave me the material for my first one. I was 12 and my sewing skills were lacking. I am sure it is for good reason that the doll is no longer with me.

Carolina Elizabeth said...

I did make clothes for cabbage patch kids which I would sell to the neighbor kids.

A Lady's Life said...

Gattina - well one has to keep oneself busy so One day I will have a garage sale lol

A Lady's Life said...

Carolinia elizabeth - Well the first one is about learning so one expects mistakes but then it gets better.
I like to keep toys for Christmas displays and then if you have kids come over they have things to play with.

Diane Stringam Tolley said...

So, so cute! I remember the 'Cabbage Patch' days. And the 'sew-your-own' fad that followed. You did a fabulous job.

A Lady's Life said...

Thanks Diane, Memories eh?
They belong to all of us. I wish I had a daughter to play with the things I make and do. but I have rough house boys lol
Nothing for a Lady here.

SandyCarlson said...

I remember the Cabbage Patch days! They were just after my doll years, and I still treasured my Raggedy Ann dolls.