I watched White Hunter Black Heart a movie about the movie director/actor John Huston.
I love all of Clint Eastwoods movies because they always have something important to say.
to leave you thinking without lecturing.
Like in this movie Huston was obsessed with killing an elephant with big tusks.
He was told not to each time he went because the elephant was special and scarce and that it's a crime.
He said it's worse than a crime. It's a sin. Thats' why I want to do it.
The females were protective of their young and when a baby was running towards the men the mother went crazy and charged.
Hustons' black Chief friend interceded when Huston didn't shoot and tried to change her mind and distract her and she killed him leaving Huston stunned and feeling very bad because now Kiwi's tribe was sad.
I thought it was an amazing story.
I think these movies will always be watched by people in the future.
I also watched the movie on the Pirates in Somalia.
They use the money they make, on women and gin and not to help the country and poverty.
Seems there are so many Muhammads running around this planet and so many of them do bad things and
it is ironical that they give out this name freely to people, when no one is allowed to mention his name.
Especially when it's related to doing something bad.
I thought how different this is with our Jesus. No one, except maybe in latino countries, ever calls their sons Jesus and I think we have a lot more respect for him, to leave him as the ONE who knew pure love.
It would be a heavy burden to wear that name I would think.
Every day one is left with ones' thoughts thinking and remembering days you never knew or even
thought existed before your time.
For most children, the world is very small. It takes a life time to learn that there is a lot more to it.
These are pewter shot glasses from Singapore.
I love the Singapore Mer Lion.
It foretells an interesting story
about a tiny island, who fought for its' independence
from Malaysia.
Malaysia gave it, thinking that the island would fall and beg to come back.
It certainly looked bad when it was invaded by Japan,
but it didn't fall. Lee Kuan Yew may be both loved and hated but
he turned it into a beautiful city nation state, clean safe, respected and loved,
by all who come to visit.I loved living there and the memories made there,
will always be a living treasure in my heart.
There comes a time my friend when all must live and die
There comes a time to suffer, flourish and revive.
Merlions' brand of gentle beauty,
Foretells of truth and courage
Of Lion hearted Princes breathing life
Of Singapore, my lifes' sweet mistress,
Of an orchids' tale of mirth and strife.
A child was born and raised from tips of fires,
Burning on the edge of green.
A child so tiny, free and independent
Guarded by the flying fish of light.
My lovely island,
A place I lived and worked in,
Protected by the souls of treasured Nonyas,
In the night.
Historically, will not repeat there,
A time when it had no choice but
To survive and fight.
O lovely hearth and heart I found there
With every step and smile I met.
A Merlion child I came to bear there
Merlion children, I brought back.
I planted innocence and beauty
By dogwood trees and snow ......and you.
But my heart was stilled by the Merlion,
Silent perfection, guarding
My sweet Mistress' womb.
A Lady's Life
I love this shot.
A couple walking forward determined with a mind set to getting to where they are going.
Each step is sturdy and the health and vigour in these two should rub off on the rest of us.
I can never get enough of the diversity of chickens and roosters we find in nature.
Some are huge, some are small and fluffy. Some are colorful and some look like
something out of a designer magazine.
Too bad we can't keep and breed them in our yards in cities.
Would be nice to collect eggs every morning and say hello to birds which provide us with so much.
Walk with me and I will show you yellow grains upon the sea.
Walk with me and I will show you lands unknown to thee
Walk and see the colors, beating in my heart
Walk and see the shooting stars on a clear black night
Walk with me and trust my soul as being one, with you
Walk with me through life my friend and
Let me walk alongside you.
A Lady's Life
This is a calla lily I found in my garden.
They call the white ones an invasive species but it is so pretty
and I am excited to find it.
Apparently they are poisonous to animals and people.
I took a picture of it but I did not take a picture of the lupin one
I hope it is still there so I can take a picture. I keep forgetting the camera.
Nothing like your own flowers.
My black rose is dead. I am not surprised because they cut off the roots.
And it wasn't black. It was rose colored.
The other cuttings I took, I planted and now have three more of bushes.
If they grow they will be very fragrant in the spring when they flower.
The rose I got for 3.99 is growing nicely in a deep pot.
Hopefully I will have flowers on it soon.
Well we have not really got into planting yet.
The weather is not very nice to work outside.
So everything I have grows on the balcony or indoors. lol
I had to share this pretty flower though I never had one like it.
A lonely Calla Lily, pure and pale
Remarkable her story
Surviving on a thorny grail
Sings a song of lonely glory
A prayer so sweet, from vestal deep
Travels sanctified, in air
A vow of chastity,
A priestess in her right
Oh Calla Lily
Immaculate delight
A Lady's Life
The battle continues for freedom but the battle should also include
a battle for an understanding God, leaving judgement in his hands alone.
No man walks in another mans' shoes or knows his/ her soul like God does.
As God showed mercy to Adam and Eve he must have understood something more
about evil, than man does.
Once religion opens doors to politics inside Gods' house, it ceases to be
Gods' House responsible for teaching peace and love by the leaders of that house,
and instead turns in to a political entity.
If the political entity promotes hates and killing of innocent victims, in any land of peace,
then it should become an outlawed organization.
God never promotes violence of any kind and man is not his arm to kill or oppress
other people.
In Eden man was born naked and walked naked. Sin lies not in the nakedness, as it is in the minds of those who see it.
Free countries see no sin in nakedness.
Freedom is the reason God set man free and if you go against Gods' will, then you are falsely
representing him.
The days seem to be flying by.
We put the heating on and the sun came out.
We did some yard work and the grass needs cutting again.
I have a few lupin flowering and apparently they are very good for
soil. They nourish bad soil.
Apparently they have been talking about replacing grain with the
beans from this plant because its also very nourishing for people.
The plant also has some fragrance and looks quite beautiful
in the yard.
My crochet afghan seems to be growing slowly. I was not in the mood to do it
and do not sit much with it. but it is growing in size nevertheless.
Hope everyone is safe and enjoying their day.
Seems there is no letting up from storms.
The devastation in Oklahoma is terrifying!!
Where do you hide from winds like this?
Seems cities have to be built with 500km winds in mind as well as
We are also over due for the big earthquake here in BC and it's just horrifying to even think about.
Nothing matters except escape and safety.
From the looks of it, we are expecting it from beyond Vancouver Island but it might happen from the interior
and everything caving in or caving up, until Princeton, which will become the new Cali shoreline.
Nothing is impossible.
We are all sitting ducks praying for Gods' Mercy.
My son came home early yesterday. He did not stay for the last game which began in the afternoon.
It's a five hour trip home from Penticton, and he came home extremely tired and burnt from the sun.
With having to go to work today, it was not a good idea to come home at midnight after such an exciting
3 days.
The cars' immobilizer was also acting up because the battery in the clicker drained.
Seems all the stores are out of batteries. Probably every one is changing right now.
Hopefully they will find one today.
It lasted a long time since 2004.
The computerized cars today are a pain in the ass.
Nothing better than an old fashioned car you can repair yourself.
As it is when our door stuck, every mechanic wanted to break the door to open it at a huge cost to the customer.
My husband took time and opened it himself . Now it just needs another gadget to replace and it will work like new and no harm done. Today you always need two cars it seems because fixing the broken one, either costs through the nose or doing it yourself takes a lot of time.
Goes to show what kind of mechanics we have to day and we went to many to get the same story told us.
Not one wanted to take the time to do a proper job.
They figured they work by the hour and it would cost a grand of labor costs so why not just trash the door.
But another door means the car doesn't have original parts any more, which means the price drops if you need to resell it.
If it happens to a new car, it's bad news for the owner.
The weatherman says rain this week. We were told it was supposed to be a nice week end but no such luck here by the coast line.
I told my husband to put the heat back on to warm up the place and get the dampness out of the air.
This week end was the week end we got married, what seems to be ages ago, and I remember it was sooo hot, people were fainting at church.
Not so today.
Today we are still in sweaters and fleecy pants looking for reasons to take them off.
Of course the weather is hot one second and then turns cold for the rest of the day like a spoiled, cranky child, not knowing what it wants.
So what did one twister say to the other??
Comon let's twist again, like we did last summer.
Comon let's twist again like we did last year.
Let's twist till we bring the house down.
So far the week end has been wet and cold, here in BC.
I kept my little dog bundled up in a blanket to stop her from shivering.
She enjoyed sitting on a chair beside us. The big dog has double layered fur
so he isn't complaining at all.
We managed to cut the grass anyway which is growing fast and lush .
Could sure use a few goats out here to help out .
Anyone got a few they want to lend out?? lol
Gatinnas' small mowing robot, wouldn't make it through this thick
grass lol
My husband had to struggle pushing the big gas mower we have, to mow it here.
The boys are winning in soccer so far at their Penticton tournament.
My son scored one goal on Saturday, 4 goals this morning and 2 in the after noon.
So tomorrow they play again and then it's back home.
As for the van, they probably kept the doors open and discharged the battery.
lol My son emailed a little in distress.lol
Hopefully that's all that is wrong with it. It was running very well at home
so no reason why all of a sudden it should conk out,
out there, unless they left the lights on.
We had BBQ lamb chops and steak on the veranda and watched Bruce Willis
on TV.
The sun just came out. I think tomorrow we will finally have one beautiful day.
My son said it is beautiful and hot in Penticton, all week end.
He sent a pic from his iphone where all the guys are tanning shirtless and it does look quite hot.
I broke down and took out some thread to crochet some checkers
It's work for cold weather so I used our weather as an excuse. lol
My son was preparing for his trip to Penticton where they will be playing
a tournament.
Three guys are planning to sleep in the van so today the van finally got
to see a vacuum, the back seat taken out and blankets and pillows put in.
They don't want to sleep in a tent because there are bears and deer
walking through the camp.These are city boys and find bugs yucky.
I told them the van will not save them if a bear wants in, short of driving away real quick.
I think that's the plan. lol
Then we went to Walmart for snacks. The guys played TV soccer but that Iphone never stops.
As we were getting the
BBQ ready my son and his friend took off to the beach.
We were not fast enough for them.
My son told us he was not going out today.
He is over tired anyway so we didn't rush.
So ended up it was just hubby and I who enjoyed a great BBQ.
Their loss.
Hubby got 2 tomato plants and two strawberries and he was happy.
They will be pot plants. If we get the garden ready for more then we will plant the whole garden.
with other things.
Nothing much else .
Hope you had a good one.
Now I know the Colonel Sanders secret for his crispy chicken. He uses 1 part cornstarch to 3 parts flour.
The chicken is marinated 4 to 18 hours and also can be made in large batches and then separated into portions in zip lock bags and frozen till needed. This was what Daddy Wu did in his Jade Restaurant.
The sauce they dip the cooked chicken in follows. There should not be too much sauce or the crispness of the chicken disappears.
Add this chicken to a bed of rice and away you go.
Rachel said they tried it on the staff and it disappeared in minutes. The rooster up top reminds me of my Cornelius. He was a nice rooster and loved pats and watching tv and crowing non stop from 3 in the morning.. Short of putting him to bed with you to stop him from crowing, there was no place to hide him, that people wouldn't hear. He sure had a set of lungs on him lol
The Jolie saga continues.
They say her Mom died of breast cancer and yet I read she died of ovarian cancer.
So we will never know the truth.
Angelina seems to be suffering from abandonment issues.
She led a life as if she wanted to die and now all of a sudden, she wants to live.
Suddenly she fears death and death can't be bought or sold or bargained with.
What would happen to her if Brad ever left her?
Would she survive, even with all her money and kids, living with the psychological,
self destructive patterns, she developed in her life, before Brad?
It might not be cancer that takes her in the end but something else.
The thing about cancer, is that this devil of a disease, has survival skills and mutates.
We all have cancer.
We all have an immune system which fights it.
Anjis' anorexic look, makes it seem like her system would be too weak to fight cancer.
She needs to eat to develop the right soldiers to fight for her life, not cut breasts off.
She is the type of person who survives on power and self control but death will
not be thwarted when it comes to collect and the only one who can save her from death
is God.
You can't cut cancer out. If it's there, it's everywhere.
That 5% can come out anywhere, at any time.
The only thing you can do is keep an eye out and pay attention to
changes in your body and work from there.
With the pancreas you might not know till it's too late.
What will she do next, cut out her ovaries, lungs,colon, liver, pancreas?
What's next after that... her brain?
Preventative Cancer operations are not cures.
When death calls, she will die from something totally unrelated, like Diana did.
When it's your time, death will not ask you. It just comes and takes at will.
If anything, Joe Black taught this to the people he came for. lol
I knew people who spent their lives trying to live self destructive lives, to die,
and never do, until they finally find a reason to want to live and then death
It's as if what they were sent on this world to do
or to find out, came to a completion and it became time for them to move on to
the next level,
Saying good bye to this world.
It's like the man in WW2 who was the first to run to the bottom of bunkers to
hide under the bed,when the siren blew and went insane when a bomb fell
through all the way to the bottom and
landed in front of his face, without exploding. It was a sign.
It foretold that death can take you no matter what you do to try to escape it,
if it is your time. For the rest of his life, this man lived insane.
Cancer also has a tendency to skip a generation.So 85% could mean nothing.
So, unless she already had it.......
Furthermore, her kids would be more prone to it than she would be.
Being the crazy person she was and the crazy things she did, I would not be
surprised she passed the crazy gene onto to her kids and infected even the
adopted ones, with her fears.
If I were that worried about death, I would stop living it, working under stress and
begin living making memories with my kids who need a loving Mom at home and stability.
People with much less, do a lot more with their time on earth, with their kids.
Angelina cries every time she talks about her Mom.
It is definitely something that hurts her very much to this day.
Her Mom had her journey and she has hers.
They are two separate lives.
This personal journey she is taking right now, is not the journey other women
should take because of her.
She is not one to teach, when she has still so much to learn.
Angelina seems to be at peace now with her family and Brad.
May she continue to live in peace and stop fearing death.
Life and death are two things money can't buy or sell.
You can't control, cut or will them out of your life.
We are all at the mercy of a greater power and only he can make a difference.
The weak never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
Sounds familiar. It goes along with trying to be good.
It's hard to be good compared to being bratty and sinful. lol
Takes strong people to be able to say no.
Maturity and understanding develops the sense of NO.
My cousin raises orchids and because of her I took another look at them.
I believed they only flowered every 5 years but apparently they don't and
you can separate the roots at a certain time of year and
propagate them at home.
I pass by orchids many times and find such a wide and
beautiful variety of them.
They seem timeless flowers and yet delicately firm.
Utter perfection when it comes to flowers.
In some countries you find them growing in every home and put
under trees with rice
as offerings to the spirits.
Such a lovely gesture to show respect to the unknown, the unprovable,
and yet undeniable.
I am so tempted to try raising them now myself.
I have so much in this world that tempts me and find it hard to
hold back lol
So much beauty in God's world.
I tried finding rooting powder the other day and it
disappeared from the store shelves.
I put mine somewhere where it would be easy to find.
I should never do that cause then I can never find it. lol
Orchids I'll classify as Weak Strong and Powerful.
A perfect flower for that special woman.
A healing flower to give to the ailing.
An inspiring flower for those who need a boost
but don't like coffee. lol
Gosh I love stores like these. So many things to touch and
inspire your imagination.
When asked if anything interests you, it's difficult to say:
Just Lookin lol
My guys took me out for sea food dinner last night,
Topped with a nice hot jacuzzi making it a relaxing and fun day.
Lev Tolstoy
ONE DAY SOME children found, in a ravine, a thing shaped like a grain of corn, with a groove down the middle, but as large as a hen's egg. A traveller passing by saw the thing, bought it from the children for a penny, and taking it to town sold it to the King as a curiosity. The King called together his wise men, and told them to find out what the thing was. The wise men pondered and pondered and could not make head or tail of it, till one day, when the thing was lying on a window-sill, a hen flew in and pecked at it till she made a hole in it, and then every one saw that it was a grain of corn. The wise men went to the King and said: 'It is a grain of corn.' At this the King was much surprised; and he ordered the learned men to find out when and where such corn had grown. The learned men pondered again, and searched in their books, but could find nothing about it. So they returned to the King and said: 'We can give you no answer. There is nothing about it in our books. You will have to ask the peasants; perhaps some of them may have heard from their fathers when and where grain grew to such a size.' So the King gave orders that some very old peasant should be brought before him; and his servants found such a man and brought him to the King. Old and bent, ashy pale and toothless, he just managed with the help of two crutches to totter into the King's presence. The King showed him the grain, but the old man could hardly see it; he took it, however, and felt it with his hands. The King questioned him, saying: 'Can you tell us, old man, where such grain as this grew? Have you ever bought such corn, or sown such in your fields?' The old man was so deaf that he could hardly hear what the King said, and only understood with great difficulty. 'No!' he answered at last, 'I never sowed nor reaped any like it in my fields, nor did I ever buy any such. When we bought corn, the grains were always as small as they are now. But you might ask my father. He may have heard where such grain grew.' So the King sent for the old man's father, and he was found and brought before the King. He came walking with one crutch. The King showed him the grain, and the old peasant, who was still able to see, took a good look at it. And the King asked him: 'Can you not tell us, old man, where corn like this used to grow? Have you ever bought any like it, or sown any in your fields?' Though the old man was rather hard of hearing, he still heard better than his son had done. 'No,' he said, 'I never sowed nor reaped any grain like this in my field. As to buying, I never bought any, for in my time money was not yet in use. Every one grew his own corn, and when there was any need we shared with one another. I do not know where corn like this grew. Ours was larger and yielded more flour than present-day grain, but I never saw any like this. I have, however, heard my father say that in his time the grain grew larger and yielded more flour than ours. You had better ask him.' So the King sent for this old man's father, and they found him too, and brought him before the King. He entered walking easily and without crutches: his eye was clear, his hearing good, and he spoke distinctly. The King showed him the grain, and the old grandfather looked at it, and turned it about in his hand. 'It is long since I saw such a fine grain,' said he, and he bit a piece off and tasted it. 'It's the very same kind,' he added. 'Tell me, grandfather,' said the King, 'when and where was such corn grown? Have you ever bought any like it, or sown any in your fields?' And the old man replied: 'Corn like this used to grow everywhere in my time. I lived on corn like this in my young days, and fed others on it. It was grain like this that we used to sow and reap and thrash.' And the King asked: 'Tell me, grandfather, did you buy it anywhere, or did you grow it all yourself?' The old man smiled. 'In my time,' he answered, 'no one ever thought of such a sin as buying or selling bread; and we knew nothing of money. Each man had corn enough of his own.' 'Then tell me, grandfather,' asked the King, 'where was your field, where did you grow corn like this?' And the grandfather answered: 'My field was God's earth. Wherever I ploughed, there was my field. Land was free. It was a thing no man called his own. Labour was the only thing men called their own.' 'Answer me two more questions,' said the King. 'The first is, Why did the earth bear such grain then and has ceased to do so now? And the second is, Why your grandson walks with two crutches, your son with one, and you yourself with none? Your eyes are bright, your teeth sound, and your speech clear and pleasant to the ear. How have these things come about?' And the old man answered: 'These things are so, because men have ceased to live by their own labour, and have taken to depending on the labour of others. In the old time, men lived according to God's law. They had what was their own, and coveted not what others had produced. ------------ Old stories. Gotta love them.
Newspapers never fail to amuse me.
Sometimes I wonder why the editor, allows reporters to
write what they write and print the article.
Where is the rationale and the common sense Voltaire was talking about?
Take taxes for instance.
Some may like them cause they say they pay for infrastructure and health care.
Others like myself, don't like them.
I think people who pay taxes are putting money into an ever growing black hole
which will have nothing but more demands to put more into it.
When we first started paying taxes, we were told it was only to be for a short period of time.
If I am not mistaken, this agreement between the people and the government re taxes,
was an oral contract. lol
Same with real estate. If government doesn't put a ceiling on the housing market,
pretty soon no one will be able to afford homes and the big banks will own everything
and every one. They will be the Sherriffs who will ride around looking to buy out what's left out there so they can own it all.So laws will be there but not for the little man who tel tell to move on.
In the mean time they create mortgages to make sure no one can pay it off.
Look at the gas and electric companies and how they suck you in. They tell you we will put pipe lines to your homes and gas is cheap. Electricity says the same things.
Then they come and say we have to raise the gas prices cause we spent all our money.
So now gas is not cheap but you are stuck with it.
Same with electricity. lol
They say conserve water, Then they say Oh we didn't make money cause you conserved too well so you have to pay more.
I am a person who believes in the small business man and private enterprise because you have something you can hold accountable and responsible. I am not including those who live outside the country. You have to live here to work here. If you invest here you can lose you investment for bad behavior.So....
From these you can expect good value.
If every city was responsible for its own water, hydro and gas and infrastructure, it would be much better.
Keeping things small is always better, especially for the little man.
What is going on in the world today, is that we are electing governments who have no control over our countries. Short of nationalizing everything, they can't do a thing about corporate crime.
When it comes to Health care, well it is another system like every other system.They balloon.
Systems hold no one accountable. You can't sue the government.
It's a black hole you pour money into and just keeps getting larger because there is nothing to hold
it in check or balance it.
Systems were not designed to balloon into big things.
They are designed to keep things small so they can be controlled and effcient.
Nothing worse than to be told doing things twice costs less than doing it right the first time.
Health care can't be controlled any more than the behavior of people.
The social system says well, we are not perfect.No one is. Yet some nations do run efficient systems.
Ours say, we cannot judge how a man lives, so they open doors.Other systems say, we can't afford bad behavior and do something about it,considering human rights, making it so there is less sickness and crime.
At first a trickle expense comes in because man had religion to hold him back and therefore
a conscience, and less immigration of sick people. Today we have expensive floods because no one cares except about number one. Why should I take care of myself when the government will fix me.
They won't let me die. This is the wrong way to think.
When no one cares society gets sicker. Hospitals look for ways and reasons to let people go rather than cure them. Government now becomes a bad government because it can't supply the money.
Like in Canada. First thing, they blame Harper for spending on airplanes instead of health care. Then if a bad thing happens, he'll get blamed for not seeing ahead what can happen.
Health care used to be free because government could afford it
Today we have to pay for it and there is still not enough money and demands keep getting larger.
People fight against bringing in jobs, but tax demands keep getting higher and people don't want to pay for those either.
What for? To build bridges that will fall down? Roads that will never be smooth?
Health care people take for granted just to go out and live destructive lifestyles again?
Education controlled by those who have no rights to our public tax paid institutions?
Good religions which are dying because they are invaded by people who should not be there?
Every one is looking for something for nothing.
Yup they say this is a great place to live. Lots of suckers here willing to dish out.
Comon in folks.
This is how the world views our countries.
Are we seen as good countries?
No. We are hated by the world.
We are hated for our ideas and for teaching people they have rights, because the truth is,
no one has rights. What we have is privilege and privilege is seen as decadence and evil in other countries.
We don't understand this because we see it as good vs evil.
To live in privilege is to live in a caste class.
So nothing really changed except that we are told it did.
And the demands keep getting higher. Now we have International responsibilities.
Wars, hunger and poverty and religious battles.
We have Putin trying to bring back Stalinism sending signals that it is ok to kill.
Stalin did. Thousands of people.
So our taxes and our good will towards man, is not working because man just makes more demands or is using our good will for personal financial gain and it costs us a lot of police work to keep tabs on them.
Mean while the middle class people are getting poorer. Families destroyed because there is no money to keep it together
and old people with no place to live, because they have no families.
Paying 4000 a month for a room, is just not acceptable.
So paying taxes into the social system sounds good but I feel my money is better spent in my own pocket.
If I have it, I spend it on my needs.
If I don't, don't tell me to build a credit line so I can look like a better man.
I am a better man, when I work hard, pay cash and keep every one out of my business.
And if I need help I'll ask for it from the charitable organizations I supported in my life time.
If I have a personal problem I can seek help through private organizations with people
willing to help out people in need as we have today in Africa.
We have things like the Salvation Army, The Wish Foundation, Church groups who should be getting money to help people and not build fancy buildings.
Teachers and special educators who have some extra time to donate to help kids in need.
Parents who should think about making their body a temple knowing they will have children.
A child should not be in a dying womb, of a self destructive woman.
In cases such as these there is a clear line every one can see between right and wrong.
People who have too many things can recycle them and they will be valued in society rather than thrown into garbage dumps. It costs a fortune to throw things away today and when you visit the dumps and see what people throw away, it breaks your heart cause they can be used by people who have nothing.
Today people who have nothing, refuse used things. lol
Recycling toasters rather than throwing them away and buying more chinese junk which break after two uses.
There is no point to save our land and keep it clean if foreigners come and buy it out and send us into dirty lands to work to make money. What did we accomplish and for who?
We pay taxes for improvements to lose everything, to foreigners who come in and push us out.
And taxes, to cover all this decadence and waste, keep getting higher.
No. We are on the wrong track here.
Lower the taxes. Stop huge corporations and banks from controlling your life.
Tell your government to say no to drugs and abuse of systems.Keep jobs local, secure and tax foreign companies so they leave.
Live owing no one anything.
Robin Hood had a message to send to large corporations.
You rob.........so we rob back.
Except one goes to bed with a full stomach getting what he doesn't deserve and the other
pays and gets nothing he works for and deserves to have.
Explain how a bank CEO, working 9-4 with housing, car and travel expenses included in his
salary, deserves 7 million dollars while the customer has to pay bank fees over and above all the money they are making on having you as a customer collectively? Is he being paid for bright ideas to rob the customer?
It's called freedom when you don't owe anyone money.If the population owes money, then it is not free.
It's hard either way. But at least keeping things small, you hire local people, eat local food, drink local water, heat with local energy, drive with local gas, recycling local garbage,keep terrorism at bay by knowing the people you deal with every day and who are stable and dug in, while keeping control at the local level, which keep taxes low.
The only place you spend is on your national defense so the outside world doesn't help itself to everything,simply because they want it. Then when you do good, countries will like you.
Now that's called freedom.
Then our Conservative Government also becomes good because it's easier to govern with privatization and do good and they always can step in and nationalize the interests we don't like.
Small systems are easier to keep clean, and run cheaper under private ownership facing competition
It worked before when a system was kept small. Now every one buys every one out so they control everything and no one controls the unleashed animal it becomes .
Friday, May 10, 2013
Voltaire has always been one of my favorites.
To this day I still love reading his books like Candide.
I think teachers would get their students inspired to study more if they included things
like the history of the times, with a literature book, and the life of the author who wrote it.
It's a slow process but a richer one leaving a lasting impression on the kids.
I like it better than speed reading, where they learn nothing.
To develop a love for history and the study of life and living, the earlier one begins, the better and who better with than with a rounded introduction to the classics,through people like Voltaire?
Here we have a young man who refused to accept the status quo.
He is known for his wit and criticism of both the church and the government.
Basically, I think he was a thorn in both organizations' asses. lol
He accused both institutions of intolerance and hypocrisy and abhorred being governed by
ignorance, bigotry and superstition.
He believed in reason and common sense.
He published a book called the Philosophical Dictionary where he airs his views on war and religion.
Reading some of the articles with respect to drugs in the Vancouver Sun, I often wonder if some of these reporters have any reason or common sense or if they even care to have any.
They promote marijuana knowing it will be abused by children and for every doctor that says it's harmless, there is one who says it isn't, and yet they put a full page to promote it rather than a full page to show how society will be affected by the side effects.
The evidence is right there in every movie that behavior changes in a person, under the influence of
marijuana. I have seen people driving drinking beer, smoking a joint and talking on the phone, in old beat up trucks, not giving a hoot about the damage they might cause and the people they might kill on the road.
Where is the reason and common sense here?
And ................the bigger question.....
Do these reporters not know that the people using drugs also use other things and
are a danger to society even sober because their brains are fried?
They can't make good judgement decisions on or off the roads.
They don't care about rules or laws or reason or common sense.
They further more, become parents to confused kids who follow in their tracks and have
no sense of direction or raison d'etre.
To develop a functioning healthy society is in every one's interest.
Now Voltaire was willing to visit Bastille for his views. lol
As a member of the Society of the Temple of Voltaire he criticized the Regent of France and was sent to jail.
After his release he wrote the Oedipus and adopted a "de" in front of Voltaire which brought him ridicule by the Chevalier de Rohan and another prison term.
He was told to leave France, so he went to England and learned English and loved the customs of the English society. So he wrote another book Letters Concerning the English Nation, which irked the French again. (something similar going on in Quebec right now lol)
This time he took refuge at the home of Mme du Chatelet, in Lorraine, Fr.
He kept active writing a treatise on the Principles of Newtonian Physics, tragedies, and a satirical poem called: Man of the World."
One can do a life study on this figure alone.
It was here that he was appointed by Louis XV as a royal historiographer and he joined the French Academy.
Then he went to Prussia to live with King Ferdinand the Great. This again infuriated France.
So he went to live in Switzerland and towards the end of his life sneaked across the border to
Ferney, France, where he felt safe from persecution.
As much as I love Voltaire and his ideologies, I still believe some things should be left alone.
When it comes to superstition, there is more than meets the eye and some things science just can't discredit to this day.
When it comes to drugs and alcohol, the evidence is right there and quite clear.
Every rational man with common sense, can see it and understand it, so why are we helping to pass laws for those who can't see it or understand it or even care one way or another?
When a man is sick and refuses help, do we not try to help him?
When a person tries to commit suicide, is this not against the law?
Is not the abuse of drugs and alcohol a form of quiet suicide?
So when people do drugs over and above the alcohol problem, is it bad to be intolerant to it and say
we need to protect the children and not have such things be seen as ok because our Mother and Father do it?
When is it ok to say no?
After someone dies.?
Here in BC, we have people who go to the city and tell them for example: There is a park abused by kids. They smoke, drink, put fires, have sex hidden behind the bushes, and gangs tend to overtake these areas so others can't walk through it. The park is surrounded by homes at risk of being affected by this behavior. Solution? Cut the trees, clean it up so it becomes less dangerous.
Well 10 years later a girl was killed there and then the city felt sorry and cleaned it up.
If the girl was not killed, nothing would have been done and no rational person of reason would be able to use this area around his/her home, to this day.
Where was the rationality and common sense here on the side of the municipality?
They were warned something would happen and they waited till it did.
Should they be held accountable for the death of this child as well as the person who did it?
We all want freedom but we are freer when we also have the right to be intolerant to things which is bad for society as a whole.
Sometimes things viewed as hypocrisy, ignorance and superstition is there for a reason because it saves lives.
According to National Geographic, world cultures are disappearing.
I can agree when comparing the way kids speak today to the way we did just a few years back.
Wade Davis = Language isn't just a body of vocabulary or a set of grammatical rules. It is a flash
of human spirit. a vehicle through which the soul of a particular culture comes into the material world
And when we lose a language, we lose a vital element of the human dream.=
Lord of the Rings had a new language developed for the Elves whch was disappearing along with their culture and knowledge
Dwarves also were disappearing along with their culture and and knowledge as well as the Hobbits
Tolkien created magical languages for them.
He invented several languages including Quenya, Sindirin Entish and Black Speech, which began cultures and were not products of one.
In the real world a German priest and linguist invented Volapuk
It's an artificial, international language designed for communication.
Martin Schleyer developed it using English, German and Latin.
200,000 people used it in 1889.
It was replaced by another constructed language Esperanto.
Life is a living entity full of change.
It is expected in politics, religion, laws and between people.
It was written I believe, that religion as we know it , will disappear, as it will not be needed anymore, to guide man kind into humanity and civility.
This is not a new concept and was known since before the time of Jesus.
With internet, it seems to speed up the process because now we can't understand our kids from
moment to moment as they come up with different things. lol
This was and still is a very inspiring song written during the American Civil Rights movement.
People wanted equality and freedom more than anything else and this song isstill used in other countries fighting for their rights to be free, to live without fear of tyranny.
Freedom was not an easy thing to get back then. It is not an easy thing to obtain today either.
It was fought for and earned through the tears, blood and suffering of both young and old.
Today they use the argument and fear, that people need dictators or fall into anarchy.
What they do not tell people is that freedom does not mean anarchy.
It means to be free to learn about things from all around the world.
It means not being afraid of things and people we know nothing about.
It means to drop the shackles which keep us bound to the ground so we can finally see the true light and stop living in darkness.
Anarchy happens when people are poor and live in fear until one day a straw falls and breaks the camels back.
Why is freedom ok for dictators and not for the people?
Why should a man like Stalin or Hitler or the leaders in Arab lands, enjoy freedom at the expense of the people?
We take freedom for granted these days. We forget the men who give up their lives every day
to ensure we keep it.
We must defend our countries so these men have one to come home to, to enjoy freedom
away from rules and boundaries and death they sit with in their regiments.
They need to come home to sunshine and love so they can mourn their lost comrades
and heal the wounds no one can see.
The Battle Cry of Freedom has many meanings, both good and bad, to many people
but through it we are able to learn and self educate to decide for ourselves what is meaningful
in life.
Through it we can fight for justice, agree to disagree without fear, and learn survival skills
we would otherwise never know.
Laws can never replace understanding something to be true.
You can order law but unless it is understood, people will never obey.
We want a world where people obey through free will because they understand this is the right thing to do.
People being free and yet knowing how to make good judgement decisions so laws
are not required anymore.
To obtain such a country and such a world, people must understand to live clean lives.
They must have clear brains to think with, clear eyes to see with, and must learn diplomacy
to buy time to learn.
Life is about growth and learning and not stagnating oneself because choices are limited.
Today with internet, many doors are open to many people to see the world outside
and such things became possible only because people were and are free to explore
and build their minds to reach the impossible.
In Gods' Eye,s men are born free and equal.
We are here to learn to do good, to show mercy especially to the weak, to love ones' enemies.
All what is going on in the world today is against God whose name is used in vain.
God has become a meaningless word because people do not understand that God doesn't care about man's laws or borders or what kind of clothes he wears or how many times he bangs his head on the ground in prayer.
He cares about how man lives through mercy, love, sharing, beauty.
He wants to see his planet blooming with plants and animals and nature at it's best. Clean water, fresh air for all men.
Why can't we learn to live this way?
Freedom allows for good things to happen because God saw something in man we don't seem to see.
He saw goodness. In goodness we can find hope.
In hope we can search and find other things like love between man and man.
In the end it is between God and each man so why in life can it not be between a man and a man.
We were on the right road with words like honor, respect and dignity.
In small baby steps we can learn trust and love if we have the freedom to try.
Battle Cry For Freedom.
Very inspirational.
This is the Orthodox Easter week end and what a beautiful week end it is.
The beach is where it is at. Hope you have a chance to get to some body of water
to relax around.
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