Truth is stranger than fiction
* What I am about to tell you is true. Or was at the time, as best I
remember it. I looked at Google's aerial map of Arlington, Tex...
1 day ago
these are cute!
I'm embarrassed!
Don't feel bad George.
It's the same everywhere and this is why things are not working.
People vote with their feelings instead of with their brains.
You need to know what the right questions to ask are.
Now you need to ask why is this person running for politics?
Is he genuine? Are his reasons for running because he cares about the country? Does he have answers to problems or is Or is it just a job
and the answers lie in more taxation which is no answer at all.
Is he bringing jobs back home?
Is he going to build a good infra structure? Does he care what his constituents and say and teach right from wrong? or does he cave in to his governments ideologies regardless?
Jingle.- I can;t resist McDonald critters lol
Its too bad they recalled the Shrek glasses. Now I worry about drinking from the other older one I have.
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