Early March
It’s raining, it’s dark, it’s beautiful, and the waves are collapsing
against the shore. You are light, You are speaking, You are beautiful and
You are a...
7 hours ago
And so, my Life…. as a Lady…. began..!
Hi Lady! Sorry for the delay, but a new year always brings new troubles... ;)
Flamenco? Oh yeah!!
Meanwhile a new blog is born: Blogtrotter Two! Hope you enjoy at least as much as the previous version and look forward to reading your comments!
Have a great weekend!!! Gil
You are so right. That's why I love sex:)
Yes, sex is great. But the time comes when one starts to fail on this. For many reasons. If you don't have love to go with it, you will feel to start lonely.
Well in life, things happen.
One day you may be left without the ability to have sex even as a young person.
Then what?
To experience love, before having sex, is indeed something worth knowing, appreciating, respecting,and treasuring. It doesn't happen often.
Sex without out love, is just a meaningless act and hurts you as well as other people who are with you.
It is a sad world indeed when people do not know the difference
or are forced into making it a worthless act.
I mean, you love your children without ever thinking of having sex with them.
If they die, you grieve as if for a fallen soul mate.Your heart and soul is torn out of your body.
Why does it have to be different between men and women?
When you love someone, there is no thinking of betrayal
Life is complete and unified and yet we always find excuses to excuse such behavior knowing it is harmful if not used in the proper way.
You hear so many hurtful stories of abused girls and young mothers, by guys who run around making babies all over the place, with no chance in hell of being able to raise any of them.
So many are hurt by this act of betrayal.There is just no excuse for it.
People are trained to think sex rules but it doesn't.It is clear that it doesn't any more than The abused woman who runs to her abuser, cause he makes her believe it is her fault and not his.
Having sex before being in love is a form of abuse and even rape. This is the way it should be viewed.No child should be born into a cold cruel world without a family where it is wanted and loved.
I strongly believe in this.
Webster - you must be mad in love then lol
Peter you are right.
You are right. Just had this talk with my 24yr old. I think he understood.
Webster: lol
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